College fines

The request was successful.

Dear Queen’s College, Oxford,

I would like to know how much this college has levied in fines of all kinds (library, punitive, overdue payments etc. including "administration fees") since 2010, broken down by category of fine and year.

Yours faithfully,

Jim Lamming

Andrew Timms, Queen's College, Oxford

Dear Mr Lamming,


Thank you for your email of 9 January 2017 regarding fines, which we have
considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


The information you have requested is as follows:


Decanal Fines :

y/e  2010/11       £850.00

y/e  2011/12       £1,640.24

y/e  2012/13       £400.00

y/e  2013/14

y/e 2014/15

y/e 2015/16        £190.00


Library (replacement book charges):

y/e  2010/11       £94.95

y/e  2011/12      

y/e  2012/13       £91.73

y/e  2013/14

y/e  2014/15       £158.00

y/e  2015/16       


I trust this addresses your queries.