College Council Minutes

The request was partially successful.

Dear Clare Hall, Cambridge,

I am writing to request, under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, the following records.

The relevant dates for the requests (A)-(D) begins on 01 January 2018 and ends on 31 December 2019.

For the purpose of this request, the relevant bodies are:
- Clare Hall College Council

(A) the minutes of any meetings of the relevant bodies
(B) the dates of any meetings of the relevant bodies
(C) the attendees of any meetings of the relevant bodies
(D) the meeting papers of any meetings of the relevant bodies, where meetings papers are those papers circulated to members of the relevant bodies before or during a meeting for discussion at that meeting, or are referenced in the minutes

Yours faithfully,

David Jones

Clare Hall Bursar, Clare Hall, Cambridge

12 Attachments

I am responding, on behalf of Clare Hall, to your Freedom of Information request below, dated 16 May 2021, requesting information from Clare Hall Council meetings.
I attach for your information copies of minutes of unreserved meetings of Council during the time period requested. These minutes include details of dates of the meetings and of the attendees and, therefore, satisfy your request in respect of items, (A), (B) and (C).
Certain business of Council is required to be considered under Reserved Business, in accordance with the College Statutes. Such business is of a sensitive matter, and is not for distribution to the wider domain. Accordingly, I am unable to provide you with copies of Reserved Minutes, in accordance with the exemption conferred by Section 36 (2)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2010.
With reference to item (D) of your request, the nature and volume of additional supporting papers is such that it would not be possible to provide you with all such information, but if you wish to provide me with a follow up request on any specific matter, following your review of the attached minutes, I would, of course, be happy to consider such a request.
I trust that this response satisfies your requirements.

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