Colleague Share Scheme and OPG hours reductions
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please can you suply the following information,
What is the total amount of OPG hours taken out during 2008/2009 for the entire country?
Can you also break this information down by providing the info for the PE postcode area, peterborough mail centre and the huntingdonshire cluster within the PE postcode area.
Is the Colleague Share scheme paying the £200 to its members for the meeting of national level targets for the financial year 2008/2009?
How many delivery offices have achived the £200 Colleague Share payments for meeting local targets and how many havent?
Please can you provide this info in the following format
UK wide
PE postcode area
peterborough mail centre
Huntingdonshire Cluster in the PE postcode area
Yours faithfully,
Darrell Herd
Dear Herd
Thank you for your request for information received on 09/04/2009, which
we are considering under the Freedom of Information Act. Under the Act
you should expect a reply from us to be sent by 12/05/2009, which is
twenty working days from receipt of your request.
If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
that time, we will contact you explaining the reasons for this and giving
a revised date by which we will reply.
If in the mean time you have any questions or would like to contact us
about your request, please contact us by telephone 01252 806513 or
alternatively email or write to us at the address below. Please be
assured that we are giving this our attention and will get back to you
Yours sincerely
John Cere
[1][Royal Mail Group request email]
Freedom of Information Unit
Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered in
England and Wales.
Registered number 4138203. Registered office at 148 Old Street, LONDON
Visible links
1. mailto:[Royal Mail Group request email]
Dear Mr Herd,
Re: Freedom of Information Request
I am writing in response to your email dated 9^th April 2009 regarding OPG
hours and the Colleague Share Scheme. You requested the following
information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act:
* What is the total amount of OPG hours taken out during 2008/2009 for
the entire country?
* Can you break this information down by providing the info for the PE
postcode area, Peterborough Mail Centre and the Huntingdonshire
cluster within the PE postcode area?
* We have provided the relevant information in the attached table, which
updates the information provided in response to your previous FOI
request. It is worth stressing once again that the reduction in hours
reflects Royal Mail***s commitment to reduce costs whilst continuing
to deliver the best possible service to every UK address. The most
recently published figures from 2008/09 show that First Class quality
of service in the Peterborough postcode area was 93.8%, above the
national First Class target of 93.0%, and compared with 85% in the
first quarter of 2004/05. Nationally, the most recently published
results show that the vast majority of mail was delivered at or ahead
of target. It is also worth noting that the global economic turmoil
has exacerbated the structural decline in the UK postal market driven
by intensifying competition from email and the internet *** a trend
that is worldwide *** and in the UK, the mail market is now declining
between 8 *** 10% compared to the previous year.
You also requested the following information about the Colleague Share
* Is the Colleague Share scheme paying the **200 Colleague Share
payments for meeting local targets and how many have not? - Please can
you provide this info in the following format UK wide, PE postcode
area, Peterborough Mail Centre and the Huntingdonshire Cluster in the
PE Postcode area?
Payment under the Colleague Share scheme with regard to 2008/09
performance has not yet been determined and will be finalised and
announced once the Group financial results for the year have been audited
and declared. This will then indicate if the National target has been
This year the local target for all offices in Royal Mail Letters is the
Royal Mail Letters profit target and this will become clear once financial
results have been finalised, audited and announced.
I hope this response has answered each of your questions. However, if you
have any concerns or further requests please contact at me at the above
email address. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the handling
of your request you do have a right to request an internal review, in
which case please write to the Head of Information Compliance, Royal Mail
House, Company Secretary's Office, 5th Floor, 148 Old Street, LONDON, EC1V
9HQ. An internal panel will then review the request, and you will be
advised of the outcome
If, having requested an internal review by Royal Mail, you are still not
satisfied with our response you also have a right of appeal to the
Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Yours sincerely
John Cere
Freedom of Information Case Officer
Company Secretary's Office
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