COI records relating to Apperta Foundation CIC.

The request was successful.

Dear NHS Digital,

In your reply to NIC-261883-V0V7J, you confirm that NHS Digital wrote to the Apperta Foundation nominating Peter Coates as your representative on the Board of the CIC.

In your reply to NIC-268832-K2H5B you confirm that in the financial year 17/18 £75,867 was paid to Apperta Foundation CIC.

For each of the purchases from Apperta Foundation during financial year 17/18, please provide the related Conflict of Interest documentation.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Roberts

NHS Digital Enquiries (NHS DIGITAL),

1 Attachment

Ref: NIC-289256-X9F7L 

Dear Andrew Roberts,

Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital.

We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues in the
Information Governance team.

Please see the attached file(s).

Kind Regards,

Contact Centre Team
NHS Digital

0300 303 5678

[2][NHS Digital request email]

1 Trevelyan Square | Boar Lane | Leeds | LS1 6AE

HSCIC now operate under the new trading name of NHS Digital – clarifying
our role as the national information and technology partner for the health
and care system.

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