Coat-of-arms and flag of the County of Oxfordshire

The request was partially successful.

Dear Oxfordshire County Council,

Could you please supply the following information if they are available in your records:

1 The blazon (that is, the heraldic description) for the coat-of-arms of the County of Oxfordshire, as found in the grant of arms. (I understand that a colloquial discussion of the coat-of-arms is available on your website at along with an image.)

2 A vector graphics file or (less preferably) a high-resolution image file of the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.

3 A description of elements in the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.

Thank you very much.


Dr Kaihsu Tai

Rowan, Sarah - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Our reference:  2197 FOI
Dear Dr Tai
Thank you for your request of 29 June 2010 in which you asked for the
following information:

1 The blazon (that is, the heraldic description) for the
     coat-of-arms of the County of Oxfordshire, as found in the grant of
     arms. (I understand that a colloquial discussion of the
     coat-of-arms is available on your website at

     along with an image.)
     2 A vector graphics file or (less preferably) a high-resolution
     image file of the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.
     3 A description of elements in the flag of the County of

Your request is being considered and Oxfordshire County Council will
respond as soon as possible within the next 20 working days in compliance
with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This means that the council will
send a response to you by 27 July 2010.

There may be a fee payable for this information. You will be informed if
this is the case and you can decide if you wish to proceed with your

If appropriate, the information requested can be made available in
alternative formats, including other languages, Braille, large print, and
audiocassette. If you require any of these formats then please let me

Please contact me if you have any have further enquiries about your
request. I would be grateful if you could quote the reference number given
at the top of this email.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Rowan
Complaints & Freedom of Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Legal & Democratic Services
Complaints & Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 816395
Fax: 01865 783195
Email: [email address]
Email: [Oxfordshire County Council request email] (for FOI requests)
Email: [email address] (for complaints)
Internet: [2]

This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
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Visible links
2. file://

Rowan, Sarah - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Our reference: 2197 FOI

Dear Dr Tai
Thank you for your request of 29 June 2010 in which you asked for the
following information:
1 The blazon (that is, the heraldic description) for the coat-of-arms of
the County of Oxfordshire, as found in the grant of arms. (I understand
that a colloquial discussion of the

 coat-of-arms is available on your website at

 along with an image.)
2 A vector graphics file or (less preferably) a high-resolution image file
of the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.
3 A description of elements in the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.

Taking each of your points in turn:
1 The blazon (that is, the heraldic description) for the coat-of-arms of
the County of Oxfordshire, as found in the grant of arms.

I attach a description for the coat-of-arms for the County of

<<Description of coat-or-arms of Oxfordshire County Council.pdf>>
Please note that the coat-of-arms cannot be reproduced or displayed
without the consent of the County Solicitor for Oxfordshire County Council
as set out in Oxfordshire County Council’s Constitution (Part 7.4, Para 1.
B. (r)) which states :

‘Powers exercisable by the County Solicitor:
(r) Authorisation of the reproduction or display of the Council's armorial
bearings or any part thereof.’

2 A vector graphics file or (less preferably) a high-resolution image file
of the flag of the County of Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire County Council does not hold a vector graphics file or a
high-resolution image of the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.

3 A description of elements in the flag of the County of Oxfordshire.
The flag of the County of Oxfordshire contains the same elements as the
shield on the coat-of arms.  This information is contained in the attached


If you would like to feed back to the FOI Team, please email
[2][Oxfordshire County Council request email].

Help Us To get It Right

If you are dissatisfied with the service or response you have received you
can complain as follows:
• Use the online complaints form on our website –
• Complete the leaflet “How do I complain about a council service?”.
Copies are available from any Oxfordshire library or by telephoning 01865
815906. Large print and audio tape versions are available on request from
this number;

• Write to us at our FREEPOST address:

Complaints and Comments
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxford OX1 1YA.
Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if
you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Rowan
Complaints & Freedom of Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Legal & Democratic Services
Complaints & Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 816395
Fax: 01865 783195
Email: [email address]
Email: [Oxfordshire County Council request email] (for FOI requests)
Email: [email address] (for complaints)
Internet: [4]

This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


Visible links
2. mailto:[Oxfordshire County Council request email]
3. file://../3.04%20Information%20requests/3.16.02%20Requests%202006/Local%20Settings/
4. file://