Coal & Tidal Research

University of Aberdeen did not have the information requested.

Dear University of Aberdeen,

I would like to formally request the following information
regarding Tidal Energy (also Tidal turbines, Transverse Horizontal
Axis Water Turbine, Tidal arrays, Tidal array systems, Tidal power,
Tidal stream energy, Tidal stream turbines, Tidal stream power,
Power extraction from tidal channels, Unidirectional power
extraction, Cross-flow turbine, Axial flow devices, Turbine farms,
Tidal farms, and Tidal turbine farms):

1) The total value of successful research grants received by the
university in the area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and
31st July 2015, broken down by each year?

2) The value of each individual research grant received in the area
of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well
as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

3) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research
in the area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July
2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the
grant? I would also like to formally request the following
information regarding the extraction, processing and combustion of
coal (including Coal harvesting, Coal mining strategies, Coal
exploitation, Carbon/coal utilization, Coal mining dynamics, Coal
exploitation, Coal resourcing, Coal and carbon storage, Underground
coal gasification, Coal gasification, Coal crushing and screening,
Coal pyrolysis & carbonisation, Coal restoration and reservation,
Environmental and coal technologies, Clean coal power and
technologies, Climate change and clean coal, Future coal
technologies, The UK coal resource and Advanced energy programs).

4) The total value of successful research grants received by the
university in the area of the extraction, processing and combustion
of coal, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by
each year?

5) The value of each individual research grant received in the area
of the extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between Jan
1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were
received and who funded the grant?

6) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research
in the area of the extraction, processing and combustion of coal,
between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they
were received and who funded the grant?

Please could you confirm you have received this request.

Yours faithfully,

Robyn Lock

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear Robyn Lock

Thank you for your email of 26 August 2015, which I confirm is being dealt with in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, hereinafter referred to as “the Act”.

I shall reply within 20 working days as required by the Act.

Yours sincerely,

Lorna Maguire
University Records Manager
Policy, Planning and Governance
University of Aberdeen
University Office
King`s College
AB24 3FX

T: 01224- 273175
Email: [email address]

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

Maguire, Lorna, University of Aberdeen

1 Attachment

To: Robyn [[1]mailto:[FOI #288347 email]]

Dear Robyn Lock


I refer to your email of 26 August 2015 requesting information on coal and
tidal energy research at the University of Aberdeen.

I apologise on behalf of the University for the lateness of this reply.
Your request has now been considered under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002, hereinafter referred to as “the Act”.




The total value of successful research grants received by the university
in the area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015,
broken down by each year?



The  University does not hold information in relation to this request.


We have checked the research project database of all grants awarded
between January 2001 and 31^st July 2015, using the search terms specified
in  your information request.


I confirm that there were no (nil) awards on the research grants database
in the specified area of tidal energy.



The value of each individual research grant received in the area of Tidal
Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as the year they
were received and who funded the grant?



Not applicable. No information held in the specified area of research.




The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the
area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as
the year they were received and who funded the grant?



Not applicable. No information held in the specified area of research.



I would also like to formally request the following information regarding
the extraction, processing and combustion of coal (including Coal
harvesting, Coal mining strategies, Coal exploitation, Carbon/coal
utilization, Coal mining dynamics, Coal exploitation, Coal resourcing,
Coal and carbon storage, Underground coal gasification, Coal gasification,
Coal crushing and screening, Coal pyrolysis & carbonisation, Coal
restoration and reservation, Environmental and coal technologies, Clean
coal power and technologies, Climate change and clean coal, Future coal
technologies, The UK coal resource and Advanced energy programs).



The total value of successful research grants received by the university
in the area of the extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between
Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?



The  University does not hold information in relation to this request.


We have checked the research project database of all grants awarded
between January 2001 and 31^st July 2015, using the search terms specified
in  your information request.


I confirm that there were no (nil) awards on the research grants database
in the specified areas, regarding the extraction, processing and
combustion of coal.



The value of each individual research grant received in the area of the
extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between Jan 1st 2001 and
31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the



Not applicable. No information held in the specified areas of  research.



The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the
area of the extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between Jan 1st
2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as the year they were received and who
funded the grant?



Not applicable. No information held in the specified areas of research.



Should you be dissatisfied with the University's response under the Act,
you have the right to ask the University formally to review its decision. 
If you ask us to do this such a review will normally be undertaken by a
senior member of staff with no prior involvement in the original
decision.  The University may, however, refer the matter to a lay member
of the University Court to undertake the review where this is deemed
appropriate.  Any request for review must be in writing or another form
capable of preservation, be received not later than 60 working days
following the date of your original request , as adjusted by the date of
this reply and state the matter which gives rise to your dissatisfaction. 
It should be addressed to Mr B Purdon, Clerk to the University Court,
University Office, King's College, ABERDEEN AB24 3FX.


 Yours sincerely


Lorna Maguire

University Records Manager

Policy, Planning and Governance

University of Aberdeen

University Office

King`s College


AB24 3FX


T: 01224- 273175

Email: [2][email address]




From: Robyn [[4]mailto:[FOI #288347 email]]
Sent: 26 August 2015 21:36
To: Foi
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Coal & Tidal Research FOI-67


Dear University of Aberdeen,


I would like to formally request the following information regarding Tidal
Energy (also Tidal turbines, Transverse Horizontal Axis Water Turbine,
Tidal arrays, Tidal array systems, Tidal power, Tidal stream energy, Tidal
stream turbines, Tidal stream power, Power extraction from tidal channels,
Unidirectional power extraction, Cross-flow turbine, Axial flow devices,
Turbine farms, Tidal farms, and Tidal turbine farms):


1) The total value of successful research grants received by the
university in the area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July
2015, broken down by each year?


2) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of
Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the
year they were received and who funded the grant?


3) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the
area of Tidal Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as.
the year they were received and who funded the grant?


I would also like to formally request the following information regarding
the extraction, processing and combustion of coal (including Coal
harvesting, Coal mining strategies, Coal exploitation, Carbon/coal
utilization, Coal mining dynamics, Coal exploitation, Coal resourcing,
Coal and carbon storage, Underground coal gasification, Coal gasification,
Coal crushing and screening, Coal pyrolysis & carbonisation, Coal
restoration and reservation, Environmental and coal technologies, Clean
coal power and technologies, Climate change and clean coal, Future coal
technologies, The UK coal resource and Advanced energy programs).


4) The total value of successful research grants received by the
university in the area of the extraction, processing and combustion of
coal, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?


5) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of the
extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between Jan 1st 2001 and
31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the


6) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the
area of the extraction, processing and combustion of coal, between Jan 1st
2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who
funded the grant?


Please could you confirm you have received this request.


Yours faithfully,


Robyn Lock




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #288347 email]


The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir.


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #288347 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[FOI #288347 email]
5. mailto:[FOI #288347 email]