Requests similar to 'Closurse of Independent Living Fund'

Dear Dave, Thank you for your request for information regarding the Governments consultation on the proposed closure of the Independent Living Fund (...
Adult Social Care
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Dear Paul, Thank you for your request for information regarding 'the main differences in the type of care that is funded by the council under FAC crit...
Dear Mr Clifford, Thank you for your request for information regarding the full costs for both the Friday Night Live and Blackburn Beat campaign (refe...
Members attendence
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Sabir Esa on .


Dear Sabir, Thank you for your request for information regarding members attendance and allowance (reference number 01175); please see our response be...
Approved Provider Lists
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Elizabeth Turner on .

Partially successful

Dear Elizabeth. Thank you for your request for information regarding Supported Living providers (our reference 28521). Your request was received on th...
Ashura parade
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Mr Clifford on .


Dear Mr Clifford, Thank you for your request for information regarding the recent Ashura Event (reference number 27586). An application for road closu...
Housing Benefit
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Dave Brady on .


Dear Dave, Thank you for your request for information regarding ‘Housing Benefit’ (our reference number 24764); please see our response below. If you...
ILF Assessements
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Frank Black on .

Partially successful

Dear Frank, Thank you for your request for information regarding ILF Assessments (reference number 34328). Your request was received on the 10/03/2015...
Dear Jack, Thank you for your request for information regarding funding attributed via the CCG towards various programmes or schemes (our reference nu...
Legal Services
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Paul Cowdrey on .


Dear Paul, Thank you for your request for information regarding payments over £500 made to Keoghs Nicholls Lindsell & Harris for Legal Services in res...
Dear Sirs, Thank you for your request for information regarding troubled families (reference number 22044); please see our response below. If you have...
Dear Juliet, Thank you for your request for information regarding the Olympic torch procession (our reference number 24529); please see our response b...
Care Packages
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Dear Sirs, Thank you for your request for information regarding the total budget spent on 0-5 year olds broken down by type; please find our response...
closure of Independent Living Fund
Request sent to Sunderland City Council by Paul Taylforth on .


Following the new decision by the Government to close the ILF (Independent Living Fund) on June 30th 2015 and devolve funding to Local Authorities,...
closure of Independent Living Fund
Request sent to Wandsworth Borough Council by Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Following the new decision by the Government to close the ILF (Independent Living Fund) on June 30th 2015 and devolve funding to Local Authorities,...
Closurse of Independent Living Fund
Request sent to London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council by Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Dear Barking and Dagenham Borough Council, Following the new decision by the Government to close the ILF (Independent Living Fund) on June 30th 2015...
Closurse of Independent Living Fund
Request sent to Blackpool Borough Council by Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Following the new decision by the Government to close the ILF (Independent Living Fund) on June 30th 2015 and devolve funding to Local Authorities,...
Closurse of Independent Living Fund
Request sent to North Yorkshire Council by Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Dear North Yorkshire County Council, Following the new decision by the Government to close the ILF (Independent Living Fund) on June 30th 2015 and...
Current Suppliers
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to D Powell on .


Dear D Powell, Thank you for your request for information regarding ‘Current Consultants for Transportation Services, Civil Engineering Services, Land...
Dear Phillip, Thank you for your request for information regarding the College of Social Work (reference number 23442); please see our response below....
Respite care and families in crisis
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Glyn Gaskarth on .

Information not held

Dear Glyn, Thank you for your request for information regarding Respite care and families in crisis (reference number 27334); please see our response...
Dear Jamie, Thank you for your request for information regarding ‘Adult's and Children's Department - Commissioning' (reference number 23557); please...
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Charlie Bennett on .


Dear Charlie, Thank you for your request for information regarding catering services at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (reference number 22646)...
Dear Adam, Thank you for your request for information regarding Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council's social care IT system (reference number 29400)...
Regsitered Lanlord
Response by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to Michael Gosling on .


Dear Michael, Thank you for your request for information regarding 1 Lower Waterside Cottages, Waterside, Darwen, BB3 3PB (reference number 26883). Yo...