Closure, sale or transfer of childcare settings
Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council,
Please provide information on how many of Bolton's nurseries and children's centres have been sold, transferred or closed between January 2015 and January 2021. Please provide the full address of each of the buildings that have been affected and the super output area in which they are located.
Of those that have been sold or transferred please detail (by providing the full address) how many went to
- public sector organisations (including schools, colleges and health providers)
- private providers (for profit providers)
- voluntary and/ or community sector providers (not for profit providers)
Please detail how many childcare places this represents in total and detail the number of childcare places that have been transferred in settings sold or transferred broken down by public sector providers, private providers and voluntary and community sector providers.
Please detail how many staff posts this represents in total and detail the number of staff posts in settings sold or transferred to public sector providers, private providers and voluntary and community sector providers.
Many thanks for your swift response.
Yours faithfully,
Lucie Stephens
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Important:- During this pandemic you may experience understandable delays
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Dear Lucie Stephens
We acknowledge with thanks your request for information held by Bolton
Council received at this office on 15 July 2021.
This request will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and may take up to 20 working days to be processed (although we will
endeavour to provide the information as quickly as possible).
Please be advised that if an exemption applies to the information that you
have requested, the statutory period may be exceeded in accordance with
the provisions of the act.
Please retain the reference number RFI 008586 for any future enquiries
regarding this matter.
Many thanks
Information Governance Team
Chief Executive’s Department
1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
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Dear Lucie Stephens,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
I write further to your request for information received on 15 July 2021.
You requested
Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council, Please provide information on
how many of Bolton's nurseries and children's centres have been sold,
transferred or closed between January 2015 and January 2021. Please
provide the full address of each of the buildings that have been affected
and the super output area in which they are located. Of those that have
been sold or transferred please detail (by providing the full address) how
many went to - public sector organisations (including schools, colleges
and health providers) - private providers (for profit providers) -
voluntary and/ or community sector providers (not for profit providers)
Please detail how many childcare places this represents in total and
detail the number of childcare places that have been transferred in
settings sold or transferred broken down by public sector providers,
private providers and voluntary and community sector providers. Please
detail how many staff posts this represents in total and detail the number
of staff posts in settings sold or transferred to public sector providers,
private providers and voluntary and community sector providers.
Unfortunately from your recent correspondence we are unable to identify
the information you have requested and we require some further details
from you in order to progress your request. In particular, it would be
useful to know “is it provision owned and operated by Bolton council, or
all provision within Bolton”
Please advise us of how you wish to proceed with your request by
contacting <[1]mailto:[email address]>
[email address]
If no clarification is received within two months of the date of this
email, we will assume that you have decided not to pursue this request for
information and we will close the request.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
Chief Executive’s Department
1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
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message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect
the views of Bolton Council.
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Dear Freedom Of Info,
Thank you for your response to my FOI.
You asked me to clarify in particular, “is it provision owned and operated by Bolton council, or
all provision within Bolton”.
Response: I am interested in all provision owned and operated by Bolton council either directly or through an arms length organisation.
Yours sincerely,
Lucie Stephens
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your email.
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Dear Lucie Stephens
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
In response to your request for information received at this office on 15
July 2021, please see the Council’s response below.
You requested
Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council, Please provide information on
how many of Bolton's nurseries and children's centres have been sold,
transferred or closed between January 2015 and January 2021. Please
provide the full address of each of the buildings that have been affected
and the super output area in which they are located. Of those that have
been sold or transferred please detail (by providing the full address) how
many went to - public sector organisations (including schools, colleges
and health providers) - private providers (for profit providers) -
voluntary and/ or community sector providers (not for profit providers)
Please detail how many childcare places this represents in total and
detail the number of childcare places that have been transferred in
settings sold or transferred broken down by public sector providers,
private providers and voluntary and community sector providers. Please
detail how many staff posts this represents in total and detail the number
of staff posts in settings sold or transferred to public sector providers,
private providers and voluntary and community sector providers.
Our response
1 Please provide information on how many of Bolton's nurseries
and children's centres have been sold, transferred or closed between
January 2015 and January 2021. Please provide the full address of each of
the buildings that have been affected and the super output area in which
they are located.
No directly ran Council nurseries have closed during this
period, however one maintained Nursery School – Susan Issacs closed on
31^st August 2016.
Children’s Centres:
Sold – 0
Transferred – 7 (details below)
Closed – 0
The buildings/super output areas associated are as follows:
o Crompton Children’s Centre, Chalfont Street, Bolton BL1 8JS | Super
Output Area: E01004822
o Hulton Children’s Centre, St Mary’s CE Primary School, Edale Road,
Bolton BL3 4QP | Super Output Area: E01004836
o Kearsley Children’s Centre, Springfield Road, Kearsley, Bolton BL4
8LB | Super Output Area: E01004907
o Little Lever Children’s Centre, Herbert Street, Little Lever,
Bolton BL3 1LU | Super Output Area: E01004916
o Lord Street & Grosvenor Children’s Centre, Lord Street, Bolton BL4
8AR | Super Output Area: E01004906
o The Orchards Children’s Centre, Highfield Road, Bolton BL4 0RA |
Super Output Area: E01004876
o Westhoughton Children’s Centre, Washacre Primary School, Clough
Avenue, Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 2NJ | Super Output Area: E01004895
2 Of those that have been sold or transferred please detail (by
providing the full address) how many went to
- public sector organisations (including schools, colleges and
health providers) – 7
- private providers (for profit providers) – 0
- voluntary and/ or community sector providers (not for profit
providers) – 0
o Crompton – The Valley Community Primary School, Hibbert Street,
Bolton BL1 8JG
o Hulton – St Mary’s CE Primary School, Edale Road, Bolton BL3 4QP
o Kearsley – Woodbridge College, C/o Firwood High School, Stitch Mi
Lane, Bolton BL2 4HU
o Little Lever – Mytham Primary School, Mytham Road, Little Lever,
Bolton BL3 1JG
o Lord Street & Grosvenor – Grosvenor Nursery School, Lord Street,
Bolton BL4 8AR
o The Orchards – The Orchards Federation, Highfield Road, Bolton BL4
o Westhoughton – Washacre Primary School, Central Drive,
Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3DT
3 Please detail how many childcare places this represents in
total and detail the number of childcare places that have been transferred
in settings sold or transferred broken down by public sector providers,
private providers and voluntary and community sector providers.
There was no directly ran Council childcare provision on site
at the point of transfer.
4 Please detail how many staff posts this represents in total and
detail the number of staff posts in settings sold or transferred to public
sector providers, private providers and voluntary and community sector
No staff were transferred under these arrangements.
Should you have any queries, please contact
[1][email address]
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
Chief Executive’s Department
1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
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