We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are The point deptford please sign in and let everyone know.

Closure of Gonson street

We're waiting for The point deptford to read recent responses and update the status.

The point deptford

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

As of letter dated 20th of August 2018. You have informed Deptford west Greenwich Residents of a ‘experimental road closure’ for Gonson Street.

Please can you answer the following and provide documentation in evidence.

1, Was a public consultation carried out for this planned experiment? If so how many people were consulted?
How was the consultation carried out?

2, How many complaints were made regarding traffic on Stowage?
How many of these complaints were made by the Hyde housing association residents of stowage?
How many complaints were made by residents of trinity student village?

3, Who carried out the detailed traffic analysis? Please provide documentation with details of results.

4, Are Greenwich council the land owners of the site in Question? If not who is the Land owner?

5, Are Greenwich council aware of the planning application by Hutchison Whampoa to create an access point to the CoNvoys the site Via Watergate street?
If so what is Greenwich councils position on this application? And is this a factor in the concerns regarding traffic in Gonson street and Prince Street?

6, Is Greenwich council aware of the dissolving (2018) of two companies that previously owned freehold rights to Land on Gonson Street and Stowage (creek road) land title number TGL19441?

7, Is Greenwich Council aware of the sale of 14a/b Stowage ( adjacent to Gonson street) as of 2018? As informed by Hyde housing association and not confirmed by land registry?

8, Is Greenwich Council aware there are NO community faculties available in this area due to apparent sale, for to quote your letter ‘ to provide quiet neilouhoods where residents can get together’?

9, Was this matter discussed during the last West Greenwich Housing forum meeting? If so please provide minuets of said meeting and names of those in attendees from area 1 of the west Greenwich forum.

10, Is Greenwich council aware that there were NO council representatives present during the CoNvoys Wharf consultation meeting regarding the Watergate st application?
If so, why were Greenwich council not in attendance?
This meeting and proposed works will significantly increase the amount of traffic on Watergate street and surrounding roads. Was this fact included in the Traffic analysis carried out by west Greenwich?

11, Is Greenwich council aware that the substation building on Gonson street is currently occupied by squatters?

12, who owns the Sub station building on Gonson street?

Yours faithfully,

The point deptford
The deptford people project
Deptford west Greenwich community action.
Residents of Deptford West Greenwich and those of the ancient parish of St Nicholas.

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam    


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 28/08/2019


Based on the information you have provided, we have considered your
request to be invalid because you have not provided us with your real/full
name in order to give us a reasonable indication of your identity. 


In order for a Freedom of Information Act request to be considered, the
request must be in writing, state the name of the applicant, give an
address for correspondence and outline the information requested. 


If you provide us with your full name, we will consider your request in
accordance with the Act.


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me.



Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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The point deptford

Dear foi,

My name is Lucy Butler Resident of West Greenwich and chair of the Deptford People project.

As I am aware this information should be publicly available to any person requesting information from a governing authority.

The FOI is regarding the road closure that was not consulted and is of public interest.

Yours sincerely,

Lucy FA Butler Henrietta close Deptford SE8 3EJ
The point deptford

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Ms Butler


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-31615


Thank you for your request dated 29 August 2019


Your request will be answered by 26 September 2019


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Communities & Environment

Royal Borough of Greenwich


' 020 8921 5044

*   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Butler


Freedom of Information request:  FOI 31615

Thank you for your request dated 29^th August 2019 in which you ask:
As of letter dated 20th of August 2018. You have informed Deptford West
Greenwich Residents of an ‘experimental road closure’ for Gonson Street.

Please can you answer the following and provide documentation in evidence.

1, Was a public consultation carried out for this planned experiment? If
so how many people were consulted?

How was the consultation carried out?

An Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) is designed to provide changes to the
traffic management / restrictions in a road without a formal consultation.
An Experimental Traffic Order is a form of Traffic Order, which traffic
authorities have the power to impose without consultation. The powers to
do so are contained in Section 9 of the [1]Road Traffic Regulation Act

Once an ETO is in place, there is a statutory 6 month period in which
objections must be considered, and within 18 months a decision must be
made on whether to make the changes permanent. Without a decision the ETO
lapses and the changes must be reverted.

ETOs have advantages over TROs/TMOs in that they allow changes to actually
be trialled on the ground.

The recent letter sent to residents regarding an experimental closure in
Gonson Street gave residents the opportunity to provide feedback on the
proposal prior to its implementation. We are currently reviewing the
proposed closure location following feedback received. Consultation would
then take place for the duration of the experimental period before any
decision is taken whether to remove, amend, or make the closure permanent,
this ensures that resident feedback is based on the reality of any impacts
rather than perceptions which may or may not prove accurate.

2, How many complaints were made regarding traffic on Stowage?

How many of these complaints were made by the Hyde housing association
residents of Stowage?

How many complaints were made by residents of Trinity Student Village?

At this time the Council are unable to track the amount of complaints but
have been working closely with London Borough of Lewisham to tackle rat
running in the area.

 3, Who carried out the detailed traffic analysis? Please provide
documentation with details of results.

The Council’s Traffic Group carried out a review of traffic volumes across
the area during the AM (7-10am) and PM (4-7pm) peaks. The analysis is

4, Are Greenwich Council the land owners of the site in Question? If not
who is the land owner?

The Council do not own this land and do not know who the landowner is.

5, Are Greenwich council aware of the planning application by Hutchison
Whampoa to create an access point to the CoNvoys the site Via Watergate

If so what is Greenwich councils position on this application? And is this
a factor in the concerns regarding traffic in Gonson street and Prince

The Council have been made aware of the listed building consent
application (Lewisham reference DC/19/112403) for the ‘demolition of a
portion of the south section of the Eastern Boundary Wall, and erection of
hoarding and entrance gates to Convoys Wharf at Watergate Street Deptford
SE8’. Although Lewisham has no statutory duty to consult us on this
application our Conservation Officer is reviewing the proposals from a
heritage perspective. Please note that planning permission for the
accesses was granted by the GLA in 2015 as part of the wider Convoys Wharf
redevelopment and so the principle has therefore been established.


6. Is Greenwich council aware of the dissolving (2018) of two companies
that previously owned freehold rights to Land on Gonson Street and Stowage
(Creek Road) land title number TGL19441?


7. Is Greenwich Council aware of the sale of 14a/b Stowage (adjacent to
Gonson Street) as of 2018? As informed by Hyde housing association and not
confirmed by land registry?


8, Is Greenwich Council aware there are NO community facilities available
in this area due to apparent sale,  for to quote your letter ‘ to provide
quiet neighbourhoods where residents can get together’?


9, Was this matter discussed during the last West Greenwich Housing forum
meeting? If so please provide minutes of said meeting and names of those
in attendees from area 1 of the west Greenwich forum.

The Directorate of Housing and Safer Communities can confirm that the road
closure at Gonson Street was not discussed at the last meeting of the West
Greenwich Housing Panel.


10.  Is Greenwich Council aware that there were NO council representatives
present during the CoNvoys Wharf consultation meeting regarding the
Watergate St application?

If so, why were Greenwich Council not in attendance?

No Councillors or Planning Officers were invited to attend the
consultation meeting.

This meeting and proposed works will significantly increase the amount of
traffic on Watergate Street and surrounding roads. Was this fact included
in the Traffic analysis carried out by West Greenwich?

See traffic analysis results in Q.3

11, Is Greenwich council aware that the substation building on Gonson
Street is currently occupied by squatters?

 No – the Council do not own the sub-station building.

12.  Who owns the sub-station building  on Gonson street?

The Council does not hold any property interest in a sub-station building
on Gonson Street.  Information regarding property ownership is publically
available to the enquirer via Land Registry


If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests should be submitted
within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us, setting out why you
are dissatisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [2][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


Jackie Jago

Head of Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Directorate of Central Services

Royal Borough of Greenwich


020 8921 5044

   Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW




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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are The point deptford please sign in and let everyone know.