Clinical systems information request

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear FOI Team,

I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.

Please proved information regarding the following systems:
1. Analytics (PLICS)
2. BI & Data Warehousing
3. Blood tracking
4. Cardiology
5. Clinical data warehouse
6. Clinical workflow engine/integrated care pathways
7. Integration Platform
8. Main Community System
9. Patient Engagement Portal
10. Pathology
11. Theatres
12. Video Consulting
13. Virtual Wards

Please enter 'No System Installed' or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
a) System type –
b) Supplier name -
c) System name -
d) Date installed -
e) Contract expiration -
f) Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No
g) Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No
h) Procurement framework -
i) Other systems it integrates with? –
j) Total value of contract (£) –
k) Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender

Please provide your answer in the above format for each system.
System definitions:
Analytics (PLICS): A business intelligence tool that provides patient level costing information, systematically analysing electronic patient data to monitor patient level costing (may include healthcare resource groups).

BI & Data Warehousing: Integrates data and information collected from various sources, e.g. electronic patient/health records, enterprise resource planning systems, radiology and lab databases, wearables etc, into one comprehensive database.

Blood tracking: A system that electronically tracks and matches blood products with the correct patient (from fridge to vein).

Cardiology: A specialist clinical information system is used for cardiology.

Clinical data warehouse: A centralized repository for a healthcare organization's data retrieved from disparate sources, processed, and structured for analytical querying and reporting.

Clinical workflow engine/integrated care pathways: A system implemented that enables it to create rules driven electronic care pathways mapped to standardised treatment protocols.

Integration Platform: Software that supports the integration and interoperability of various clinical and management IT systems and services.

Main Community System: A main community system is a software system that supports the delivery of community health services by enabling electronic patient records (EPR) and case management. They help to improve patient outcomes by providing a single view of patient information, supporting multi-disciplinary team working, integrated health and social care services, and online and offline mobile working.

Patient Engagement Portal: The patient engagement platform is used by healthcare providers across the system to securely share data and interact with patients/carers to better support/manage patient's health and wellbeing.

Pathology: Pathology testing is managed electronically.

Theatres: A specialist theatres system is used to manage patients and surgical procedures in theatres.

Video Consulting: Is a system that is used when a patient speaks to a doctor or healthcare professional using the video camera in their smartphone, tablet or computer.

Virtual Wards: Virtual wards, also known as virtual care wards or hospital-at-home programs, are healthcare models that aim to provide hospital-level care to patients in their own homes. These programs typically utilize telehealth technologies and remote monitoring systems to deliver medical care and supervision to patients who would otherwise require hospitalization.

Thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully,

Miss G Kovacs

FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

Thank You for your email. Please note that at present we are experiencing
a high number of requests. 


If you are making a new Freedom of Information request, Northumbria
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust can confirm receipt of your request and
that this will be shortly processed. You should expect to receive a
response within the next 20 working days. If we require any further
information from you, will be in touch shortly.


If you have already submitted a request and have a query relating to this
or a response we have provided we will endeavour to get back to you within
the next 48 hours. 



Kind regards,






FOI Officer, 1st Floor, Cobalt Business Exchange & Conference Centre,
Cobalt Park Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE28 9NZ

Tel: 0191 607 3618

E-mail: [1][email address]  


There is a lot of useful published FOI information on our internet site
please visit:



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FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Freedom of Information Request
Please see the attached Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
response to your information request.
This e-mail address is always monitored during working hours. E-mails sent
to individual’s e-mail addresses may not be processed promptly. If you
have any questions about this process please contact Information
Governance at:
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Digital Services
Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and Innovation Hub,
Avenue Road,
Seaton Delaval,
Whitley Bay,
NE25 0QJ
Or via e-mail at: [1][email address]
Please note that the information provided is the property of Northumbria
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and subject to Intellectual Property and
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Sector Information Regulations 2005. This means that if you wish to re-use
the information provided for commercial purposes for any reason you must
ask us for permission to do so.
Thank You
FOI Officer, Digital Services, Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and
Innovation Hub, Avenue Road, Seaton Delaval, Whitley Bay, NE25 0QJ
Tel: 0191 607 3609
E-mail: [2][email address]  
There is a lot of useful published FOI information on our internet site
please visit:
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Dear FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

Thank you for your response.

Could I please clarify some information?
We have information that your Trust has been using the following system:

-BI & Data Warehousing and Clinical data warehouse system Stalis- CareXML which was due to expire in 01/2021;
-Blood tracking system Msoft - Bloodhound which was due to expire in 08/2019;
- Theatres systems The NJR Centre - The NJR Data Entry system and Newgate Technology - Sapphire.

Could I clarify please have you extended their contract or have you replaced the system?

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Miss G Kovacs

FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

Thank You for your email. Please note that at present we are experiencing
a high number of requests. 


If you are making a new Freedom of Information request, Northumbria
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust can confirm receipt of your request and
that this will be shortly processed. You should expect to receive a
response within the next 20 working days. If we require any further
information from you, will be in touch shortly.


If you have already submitted a request and have a query relating to this
or a response we have provided we will endeavour to get back to you within
the next 48 hours. 



Kind regards,






FOI Officer, 1st Floor, Cobalt Business Exchange & Conference Centre,
Cobalt Park Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE28 9NZ

Tel: 0191 607 3618

E-mail: [1][email address]  


There is a lot of useful published FOI information on our internet site
please visit:



The information contained in this e-mail is confidential, and is intended
solely for the addressee(s).

Access, disclosure, copying or distribution by anyone other than the
addressee(s) is prohibited, and may be unlawful.

Northumbria Email is accredited to the DCB1596 Secure Email standard for
health and care organisations, to enable safe email communications with and * email addresses, and other DCB1596 accredited NHS

The information in this e-mail is completely confidential and may be
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recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or
omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful.
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the NHS Code of Openness or the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. We may monitor any emails sent or received by us, or on our
behalf. If we do, this will be in line with relevant law and our own


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