Clinical guidelines for identifying posterior CVAs

The request was successful.

Dear South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust,

Could you please provide me with any clinical guidelines, policies, procedures, protocols or similar that you have in place for the use by paramedics (including specialist/senior/advanced paramedics etc.) for the identification of posterior-circulation CVAs (strokes).

Further, could you provide me with any clinical guidelines, policies, procedures, protocols or similar that you have in place for the use by paramedics (including specialist/senior/advanced paramedics etc.) for the assessment and management of patients presenting with "vertigo" or "dizziness" as their primary symptom.

Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Macgregor

Information Governance, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

2 Attachments

Dear Malcolm Macgregor


Thank you for your request for information regarding clinical guidelines
which we received on 28 November 2017.


We will deal with this request in accordance with your right of access to
information we hold under the Freedom of Information Act and I attach a
leaflet containing further information about both your rights and our
obligations under this legislation.You will see from this that we are not
obliged to generate information we do not already hold in order to provide
what we are asked for, such as by collating data or formulating direct
answers to questions, but you are entitled to receive copies of records
(or extracts from them) that contain the information you have requested.


We will research the information you have requested and we will respond
providing what we hold no later than 28 December 2017 in accordance with
the timescales set by the Act.


We will inform you if:

a) We are unable to provide you with any of the information you have
requested, and explain the reason for this; and

b) Any fee that is payable for the information we are able to provide.


In the meantime, if you have any queries or require clarification on any
aspect of your request or how we will respond, please do not hesitate to
contact me.






Debbie Bridge | Information Governance Manager

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust


[1]Description: cid:image002.png@01CE740E.A2570860

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Information Governance, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

3 Attachments

Dear Malcolm Macgregor


I refer to our acknowledgement on 28 November 2017 of your request for
information regarding clinical guidelines under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act.  We are able to provide the following


Information requested Our Response

1. Could you please Please find attached file FOI 2367 CG20.pdf
provide me with any
clinical guidelines,  
policies, procedures,
protocols or similar that Clinical guidance for operational staff are derived
you have in place for the from JRCALC 2013 National Guidelines. JRCALC stands
use by paramedics for the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison
(including Committee which first met in April 1989 at The Royal
specialist/senior/advanced College of Physicians in London. Its role is to
paramedics etc.) for the provide robust clinical speciality advice to
identification of ambulance services. It is the production of its
posterior-circulation CVAs regularly updated UK Ambulance Service Clinical
(strokes). Practice Guidelines for which JRCALC is most
well-known. A copy of the previous version of the
  Guidelines(2006) can be found through this link:
[1]JRCalc 2006
The updated guidance is currently only available
through purchase at:
but may be available at the aforementioned link at a
later date.
2. Could you provide me Please find attached file FOI 2367 CG23.pdf
with any clinical
guidelines, policies,
procedures, protocols or
similar that you have in
place for the use by
paramedics (including
paramedics etc.) for the
assessment and management
of patients presenting
with "vertigo" or
"dizziness" as their
primary symptom.



Please note that, under the Re-use of Public Sector Information
Regulations, if you wish to publish or otherwise use this information
besides for your own means, you will need to seek our permission to do so.


Please feel free to contact me if you require further clarification of the
information provided, or to discuss any aspect of the way in which we have
responded to your request. 


However, if you are dissatisfied with our response, you also have the
right to make use of the following complaints procedures:


In the first instance you may write to the Chief Executive of this Trust


Mr Ken Wenman

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Abbey Court

Eagle Way

Exeter  EX2 7HY


Mr Wenman will then either make arrangements for your complaint to be
reviewed and for the outcome to be communicated to you, or will convene a
panel of Trust Directors to consider an appeal against a decision to
withhold information.


If you are unhappy with the response to your complaint, or findings of the
Panel, you can contact the Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner’s Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,                                 


Cheshire.  SK9 5AF


Tel: 01625 545 700

Fax: 01625 524 510







Debbie Bridge | Information Governance Manager

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust


[3]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: cid:image002.png@01CE740E.A2570860

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[6][email address]
Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter EX2 7HY



Visible links
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6. mailto:%[email address]