'Civil' Violence and Statistics
Dear UK Statistics Authority,
How many cases of violence have been recorded as domestic or civil matters since January 1st 2005 to date please and could you point me to all information regarding these statistics?
I am also Requesting the latest figure/s for domestic violence that have recorded anywhere please? Please include any documents re statistics of domestic violence/ info/other offices that hold this info other than CAFCASS please?
I am also requesting information on how many ASBOs have been issued for violent behaviour in the last 3 years and to point me please, to all information and documentation available that provides these statistics please
Yours faithfully,
Liz R
Our Reference: FOI00912/R/QE1
Dear Ms R,
I refer to your request under the above legislation for information about
violence crime.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and
electronic records, I have established that the information you requested
is not held by the Office for National Statistics.
I suggest that you contact the Home Office who will be able to supply this
information at:
Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
2 Marsham Street
Email: [email address]
Released Information >>
Publication scheme >>
You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Frank Nolan,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Paul Wearn LLB (Hons)
Legal Services
Office for National Statistics
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at http://www.statistics.gov.uk
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
Our Reference: FOI00912/R/QE1
Dear Ms R,
I refer to your request under the above legislation for information about
violence crime.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and
electronic records, I have established that the information you requested
is not held by the Office for National Statistics.
I suggest that you contact the Home Office who will be able to supply this
information at:
Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
2 Marsham Street
Email: [email address]
Released Information >>
Publication scheme >>
You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Frank Nolan,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Paul Wearn LLB (Hons)
Legal Services
Office for National Statistics
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at http://www.statistics.gov.uk
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
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