This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Civic honours'.

Helen Cross
Business Support
Resources Group
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL
Telephone 01926 412211
Please ask for 
Our ref: 9207908
Date: 7 July 2023
Dear Helen Cross
Freedom of Information Act 2000
This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 
Please see below for further details. 
You asked: 
1. Please provide me with a list of individuals, groups of people and/or bodies, who have 
been awarded the freedom of your council area, or any similar award or designation.
By similar award or designation, I mean an honorary civic award bestowed by the council 
on an individual, company, group or military unit with the intent of recognising their 
contribution to the local area. This would exclude formal civic offices eg Mayor. I am 
interested in receiving the information for any period for which you hold the records.
Such honours are awarded by the full Council (in an extraordinary meeting) under section 249 
of the Local Government Act 1972. A search of our committee papers since 2005, which are 
publicly available online on the link below:

For any awards of similar honours made before 2005 you might want to check whether County 
Records holds any information.
Please note: We would consider that this information is exempt under Section 21(1) (Information 
reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 

Although this information is held by Warwickshire County Council; under Section 21 of the 
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Public Authorities are not required to provide information in 
response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible. 
Please follow the link and instructions above, which will take you directly to published copies of 
these documents. 
Please treat this response as a refusal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information 
Act 2000, for the document outlined above.   
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal 
review. Internal review requests should be submitted within 40 days of the date of receipt of the 
response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
Information Management 
Shire Hall 
CV34 4RL
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly 
to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be 
contacted at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF 
Phone: 0303 123 1113 
I will now close your request as of this date.
Yours faithfully
Information Rights Officer