Cipfa library submissions

The request was successful.

Dear Buckinghamshire County Council,

Could I please have your existing CIPFA library questionnaire submissions for the past 5 years.

To avoid any confusion below is a submission from Oxfordshire.

Yours faithfully,

Trevor Craig

Freedom of Information Mailbox, Buckinghamshire County Council

Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Council.

This is to acknowledge receipt of your request, which has been logged onto our system. We will respond as soon as possible, but the statutory deadlines to respond are as follows:

Data Protection Act 1998 - 40 calendar days.

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - 20 working days.

If you have any questions please do contact us on:
[Buckinghamshire County Council request email]
0845 3708090

Freedom of Information Officer
Buckinghamshire County Council
County Hall
Walton Street
HP20 1UU

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Freedom of Information Mailbox, Buckinghamshire County Council

5 Attachments

  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • Attachment

    CIPFA Actuals 2009 10.xls

    812K Download View as HTML

  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Dear Mr Craig


Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Council.

Your request for information has now been considered and the information you have requested is attached.

Please note that this information is published by CIPFA in hard copy form each year. Some library authorities (including ourselves) purchase a hard copy, which would be available to borrow free of charge to anyone who lives or works in Buckinghamshire and for a small fee to those outside the authority on an inter-library loan. This publication would also have information on all the UK authorities in one publication in an easily comparable form.

Re-use of Public Sector Information

This information is provided subject to Buckinghamshire County Council copyright, however, it may be re-used for news reporting, personal, educational or non-commercial purposes without further reference to the Council. If the re-use is for other purposes, such as a commercial re-use or publication (e.g. posting material on a website, or distributing printed copies at a meeting), you should notify the Council in writing to seek approval or agree terms for re-use.

Where Buckinghamshire County Council does not hold the copyright, as indicated by the information itself, permission for re-use should be sought from the copyright holder directly.

If you wish to obtain permission for such re-use, please give full details of how you intend to use the material, for example whether you intend to publish the material or sell the material as part of a commercial product by contacting us at:

[Buckinghamshire County Council request email]

If you have any further queries or concerns then please contact me.

If you have a complaint about the handling of your request then please use the Council's complaints procedure (at Stage 3) in the first instance. This is available at:
Or by writing to:
FOI Monitoring Officer
Head of Legal and Democratic Services
Buckinghamshire County Council
County Hall
HP20 1UA
Or via email: [Buckinghamshire County Council request email]

You can also then complain to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113
Fax: 01625 524510
Email: [email address]

Neil Doling
Freedom of Information Officer
Customer Insight Team
[Buckinghamshire County Council request email]
Buckinghamshire County Council
County Hall
Walton Street
HP20 1UA

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