Cigarette butts – Fixed Penalty Notices per local authority in England

The request was successful.

Dear Eden District Council,

I would like to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

1. How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out in 2018 for the littering of cigarette butts?
2. How much is your FPN for littering cigarette butts?
3. How many FPN’s have not been paid within the allocated time frame, and subsequently gone to court for littering cigarette butts in 2018?

Yours faithfully,


foi, Eden District Council

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. This is an auto
acknowledgement response. We will be in touch shortly about your request.


Freedom of Information

Eden District Council

Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7QF

Email: [1][Eden District Council request email]



Eden District Council

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whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential
information and if you are not the intended recipient you must not copy,
distribute or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
email in error please notify the sender immediately by telephone on 01768
817817. Please also destroy and delete the message from your computer.



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1. mailto:[eden%20district%20council%20request%20email]

foi, Eden District Council

Dear Requester

We are unable to process your Freedom of Information request, since the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Section 8(1)(b) requires that a valid request for information states the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence.

Applicants must provide their real name and not use a pseudonym. Both email and postal addresses are acceptable.

If you wish us to respond to your Freedom of Information Request, please add your name to your original request and resend.

Yours faithfully

Eden District Council

FOI team
Eden District Council, Town Hall, Penrith CA11 7QF
Tel: 01768 817817
E-mail: [Eden District Council request email]

show quoted sections

Dear foi,

I do apologise. My full name is Naomi Aharony.

Yours sincerely,


Eden District Council

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your request for information received on 18/Jul/2019, which
is to be considered under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)
2004, rather than the Freedom of Information Act, as it is a request for
environmental information.

I have registered your request under reference number EIR 06275 and would
be grateful if you would use this reference and the email address [Eden
District Council request email] in relation to any future correspondence
relating to this request.

Please note that the Council now has a charging policy for providing
environmental information, full details of which can be found in the
[1]Access to Information Policy. We are permitted under the EIR to charge
a ‘reasonable amount.’

Our charges for responding to requests under EIR are:

· £25 per hour for staff time for locating, retrieving and extracting
· 10p per A4 sheet for any photocopying and printing; and
· The costs of any postage.

These charges are in accordance with the Council’s current [2]Fees and
Charges schedule.

Once the cost of providing the information you have requested has been
estimated, we will advise you of the amount required and how to make
payment. We will aim to do this within five working days of registering
your request.

Please note that the process of registering does not commit you to
proceeding with your request or to making a payment.

Charges will be waived for requesters in receipt of certain benefits at
the time of submitting their request for environmental information.
Further details will be provided when we contact you with the estimated

Should you wish to proceed with your request, we will aim to provide you
with the information you have requested within 20 working days of payment.

Whilst it is the Council’s policy to provide information wherever
possible, I need to advise you that there are a number of exceptions under
the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, which may prevent
the release of some or all of the information you have requested.  Some
exceptions are absolute and some only apply where the public interest in
maintaining the exception outweighs that in disclosing the
information. You will be informed if this is the case and the reason why.

Yours faithfully

Eden District Council

FOI Team

Tel: 01768 817817
Email: [email address]

Town Hall
Cumbria CA11 7QF


Eden District Council

Information contained in this email is intended only for the individual to
whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential
information and if you are not the intended recipient you must not copy,
distribute or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
email in error please notify the sender immediately by telephone on 01768
817817. Please also destroy and delete the message from your computer.



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foi, Eden District Council

Dear Naomi


Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Request Relating to Cigarette
butts – Fixed Penalty Notices per local authority in England


Further to your request for information, registered under reference EIR:
06275, we can confirm that there is no charge. This is because the
information you requested is readily available and has not required staff
time to locate, retrieve or extract it.


Therefore, we are now in a position to provide a response to your request,
under the provisions of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)


1.     How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out in 2018
for the littering of cigarette butts?


3 (all from vehicles)


2.     How much is your FPN for littering cigarette butts?


£75 (same for all types of littering offence)


3.     3. How many FPN’s have not been paid within the allocated time
frame, and subsequently gone to court for littering cigarette butts in




NB. These figures are for the calendar year 2018.


We hope this satisfies your query. However if you are dissatisfied with
this response, you can have your complaint heard under the Council’s
Complaints Procedure. To do this, you will need to contact; Lisa Tremble,
Assistant Director Governance (Monitoring Officer) by email:
[1][email address], or in writing to: Eden District Council, Town Hall,
Penrith CA11 7QF, within 40 working days of receipt of this email. 


You can also complain to the Information Commissioner (ICO) at:
Information Commissioner’s Officer, Wycliffe House, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9
5AF or by telephoning 0303 123 1113. Generally the ICO cannot make a
decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by
Eden District Council.


Most of the information that we provide in response to Environmental
Information Regulations requests will be subject to copyright protection.
In most cases the copyright will be owned by Eden District Council. The
copyright in other information may be owned by another person or
organisation as indicated on the information itself.


You are free to use any of the information supplied for your own
non-commercial research or private study purposes. The information may
also be used for any other purpose allowed by a limitation or exception in
copyright law, such as news reporting. However, any other type of re-use,
for example by publishing the information in analogue or digital format,
including on the internet, will require the permission of the copyright


Yours sincerely


Eden District Council


FOI team

Eden District Council, Town Hall, Penrith CA11 7QF

Tel: 01768 817817

E-mail: [2][Eden District Council request email]



Eden District Council

Information contained in this email is intended only for the individual to
whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential
information and if you are not the intended recipient you must not copy,
distribute or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
email in error please notify the sender immediately by telephone on 01768
817817. Please also destroy and delete the message from your computer.



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[Eden District Council request email]