Chinese Students and Scholars Association

University of Exeter did not have the information requested.

Dear University of Exeter,

This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. It refers to the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA).

From 1st January 2019 to the current day, I would like the following information:

- The number of complaints received by the university that refer or relate to the CSSA.
- For each complaint that refers or relates to the CSSA, please indicate the date when it was received by the university.
- For each complaint that refers or relates to the CSSA, please indicate whether the complainant was a student or a member of staff. If the complaint was not made by a student or a member of staff, please indicate in a broad sense, who made the complaint e.g. member of the public etc.
- For each complaint that refers or relates to the CSSA, please provide a copy of the complaint (without identifying the complainant). If this is not possible, please provide a summary of the complaint.
- For each complaint that refers or relates to the CSSA, please indicate the outcome.

I would like to receive this information in an electronic format. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame, I would be grateful if you could contact me and provide assistance as to how I can refine the request. If you need any clarification, please contact me. I look forward to receiving a response in 20 working days. Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Jenna Corderoy

Data Protection & Freedom of Information, University of Exeter

1 Attachment

Dear Jenna,


Thank you for your request under the information Act of 2000. Your
reference number is FOI20-013


We will consider your request and respond in due course.


The data you provide to allow us to process your request is collected so
that you are able to exercise your lawful rights under the Freedom of
Information Act. Your personal data will be held by the Information
Governance Office and shared with relevant staff as necessary.


Once a request has been completed, the relevant data will be held by the
Information Governance Office for three years in line with ICO guidance,
this is to ensure the University has fully carried out its requirements
under the legislation.


For further information on how we process your personal data, please see:


The University should respond to your FOI request as soon as possible and
no later than twenty working days after the date of receipt of the
request. Should The University be required to undertake a public interest
test relating to the potential application of a qualified exemption we may
extend the time frame by up to twenty additional days. Please be aware
that our response time takes into account the workloads of the Information
Governance Office and relevant data owners and will therefore not always
correlate with the complexity of the request. Should The University seek
clarification any resulting time spent awaiting communication will not be
counted against that time limit.




Information Governance Officer

University of Exeter
Lafrowda House, St. German’s Road, Exeter, EX4 6TL

This email and any attachment may contain information that is
confidential, privileged, or subject to copyright, and which may be exempt
from disclosure under applicable legislation. It is intended for the
addressee only. If you received this message in error, please let me know
and delete the email and any attachments immediately. The University will
not accept responsibility for the accuracy/completeness of this email and
its attachments.



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Data Protection & Freedom of Information, University of Exeter

2 Attachments


Dear Jenna 


Please find the University's response to your Freedom of Information
Request attached.


Kind regards,

Information Governance Officer

University of Exeter
Lafrowda House, St. German’s Road, Exeter, EX4 6TL

This email and any attachment may contain information that is
confidential, privileged, or subject to copyright, and which may be exempt
from disclosure under applicable legislation. It is intended for the
addressee only. If you received this message in error, please let me know
and delete the email and any attachments immediately. The University will
not accept responsibility for the accuracy/completeness of this email and
its attachments.


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