Chinese applicant data of University of Cambridge
Dear University of Cambridge,
I am writing to you to enquire the following statistics regarding undergraduate admission to Natural Science at Cambridge University.
For each nartual science applicant applying by Gaokao or AST or Huikao,in the recent 5 admission cycle .
please provide the data by“ each college”:
1. Please identify whether it was an applicant to Biological or Physical Natural Sciences.
2.Their AST or Gaokao or Huikao subject with the score,whether real or pridicted (if applicable)
3.Their nsaa subject with score
4. Whether they were interviewed
5. Whether they was placed in the Winter Pool.
6Whether they successfully recieved an offer, identify whether direct offer or Winter Pool offer .
6.Identify whether it is conditional offer
7.The conditions for con offer (if applicable)
Under Section 11 of the FOIA, I would appreciate it to have the data requested above as a spreadsheet file by each college if possible.
Public authorities must respond promptly to requests.Even if they are not prompt, in nearly all cases they must respond within 20 working days.
I would be more than grateful if you could respond me with the data as soon as possible,due to the fact that I am an applicant so it is my eager need to reference these data for choosing college.Thank you so much.
Yours faithfully,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your
reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will
respond on or before 17 October 2024.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [1][University of Cambridge request email]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]
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