Childrens/Education Structure Chart

The request was successful.

Dear Merton Borough Council,

Please provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job tile and contact details) for the Education/Childrens directorate covering the following job titles:
Director, assistant director, Head of Service, Service Manager.

Yours faithfully,

Josie Ward

foi, Merton Borough Council

Thank you for your email message. We aim to respond to all requests under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 within 20 working days. More information about the way we
deal with information requests is on our web site at
Information Governance Team
London Borough of Merton.
020 8545 4634

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Peter Andrews, Merton Borough Council

1 Attachment


Dear Josie Ward


Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations
2004 Information request F14467


We have now considered your information request as set out below. 



Please provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job
tile and contact details) for the Education/Childrens directorate covering
the following job titles:

Director, assistant director, Head of Service, Service Manager.


Please find attached a structure chart for our Children, Schools and
Families department.


Names and associated contact details for officers below Assistant Director
level have been withheld, as the names of officers and consultants/agency
staff below Assistant Director level are considered exempt under FOI
Section 40(2), which applies to personal data when disclosure would be
contrary to any of the data protection principles. In this case disclosure
is not compatible with the first principle, which concerns fairness, as
the staff members concerned would legitimately not expect their names and
position titles to be disclosed outside of communications when they are
directly involved in service delivery.  Where names have been disclosed
under the statutory provisions of the Localism Act, these can be found




If you have any queries or concerns about this please contact me.


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint,
you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:


The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Telephone:0303 123 1113


Website: [2]


There is no charge for making an appeal.



Your sincerely




Peter Andrews


Employee Relations, Pay and Rewards Manager

Human Resources

London Borough of Merton

020 8545 3285




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