Childrens & Social Services Commissioning

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Lincolnshire County Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Lincolnshire County Council,

1. Can you please explain your commissioning processes for providers of accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc. Do you spot purchase, have framework agreements or have block contracts in each of these categories?

2. If you have framework agreements and/or block contracts for accommodation and/or support in respect tolooked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc, please specify when each of these are due to be re-tendered.

3. Do organisations need to go through a pre-registration process to accommodate looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc on a spot purchase basis?

4. Do you have local authority run provisions for looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? If so, how many of each category are currently accommodated in these facilities?

5. Please specify the number of looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc accommodated currently via:

a. spot purchase

b. framework agreements

c. block contracts

6. How many care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old and specified in the answer to question 4 are are accommodated in residential children's homes?

7. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a looked after child aged under 16 year in a private residential children's home?

8. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a private residential children's home?

9. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent provision?

10. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in an unsupervised semi-independent provision? Please include the cost of floating support. Please advise if you do not place 16-17 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent provision.

11. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent provision? Please advise if you do not place 18-24 year olds in a supervised semi-independent provision.

12. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing care leavers/uasc 18-24 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent provision? Please include the cost of floating support.

13. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating looked after children in residential children's homes? Who is the specific named point of contact?

14. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old? Who is the specific named point of contact?

15. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 years old? Who is the specific named point of contact?

16. Who should be approached within the council to discuss framework agreement/block purchase commissioning for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? Who is the specific named point of contact?

17. Please can you provide me with a list of all of your current suppliers signed up to framework agreements/block purchase contracts for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?

Yours faithfully,

nilesh bhalani

FOI, Lincolnshire County Council

6 Attachments










Freedom of Information
Customer Service Centre
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Tel: 01522 782187
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Dear Nilesh Bhalani


Freedom of Information Reference: 44833087FOI


Subject: Request for information regarding looked after children and
commissioning processes for accommodation providers.


Thank you for your recent request for information received by this office
on 26^th March 2018. Your request is being dealt with under the terms of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 


We will aim to respond to your request, notifying you whether or not the
information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council and
communicating that information to you (provided that the information is
not exempt under the terms of the Act), within 20 working days from the
day after your request was received.


We may reasonably require further information from you in order to
identify and locate the information requested. If this is the case we will
contact you in due course.


In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we
will let you know. A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be
required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.


If you have any queries about this letter, please contact us. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.


Yours sincerely,



James Taylor
Freedom of Information
Customer Service Centre

[4][email address]



The information we have supplied to you may contain intellectual property
rights of Lincolnshire County Council. Your use of the information must be
strictly in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as
amended), or other applicable legislation. In particular, you must not
re-use this information for any commercial purpose.

If you would like to re-use this information for any commercial purpose
you must make a formal request to us under the Re-Use of Public Sector
Information Regulations 2005.  Please email us at
[5][email address]



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