We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are nilesh bhalani please sign in and let everyone know.

Childrens & Social Services Commissioning

We're waiting for nilesh bhalani to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Peterborough City Council,

1. Can you please explain your commissioning processes for providers of accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc. Do you spot purchase, have framework agreements or have block contracts in each of these categories?

2. If you have framework agreements and/or block contracts for accommodation and/or support in respect tolooked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc, please specify when each of these are due to be re-tendered.

3. Do organisations need to go through a pre-registration process to accommodate looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc on a spot purchase basis?

4. Do you have local authority run provisions for looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? If so, how many of each category are currently accommodated in these facilities?

5. Please specify the number of looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc accommodated currently via:

a. spot purchase

b. framework agreements

c. block contracts

6. How many care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old and specified in the answer to question 4 are are accommodated in residential children's homes?

7. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a looked after child aged under 16 year in a private residential children's home?

8. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a private residential children's home?

9. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent provision?

10. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in an unsupervised semi-independent provision? Please include the cost of floating support. Please advise if you do not place 16-17 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent provision.

11. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent provision? Please advise if you do not place 18-24 year olds in a supervised semi-independent provision.

12. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing care leavers/uasc 18-24 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent provision? Please include the cost of floating support.

13. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating looked after children in residential children's homes? Who is the specific named point of contact?

14. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old? Who is the specific named point of contact?

15. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 years old? Who is the specific named point of contact?

16. Who should be approached within the council to discuss framework agreement/block purchase commissioning for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? Who is the specific named point of contact?

17. Please can you provide me with a list of all of your current suppliers signed up to framework agreements/block purchase contracts for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?

Yours faithfully,

nilesh bhalani

FOI Team, Peterborough City Council

Dear Nilesh Bhalani 
This is a courtesy email to let you know your Public Information
Request has been received on : 26/03/2018. 
Your unique reference number is "CRN1803427157 ". Please keep this
number safe, as you may be required to provide it in the future. 
Customer Service Team

show quoted sections

"FOI Team" <foi@peterborough.gov.uk>, Peterborough City Council



Dear Sir / Madam,


Your request for information, with reference number CRN1803427157 has
now been considered and the information requested is given below.

Information Request: 
1. Can you please explain your commissioning processes for providers
of accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children
in residential care/looked after children in semi-independent
placements/care leavers/uasc. Do you spot purchase, have framework
agreements or have block contracts in each of these categories?

2. If you have framework agreements and/or block contracts for
accommodation and/or support in respect tolooked after children in
residential care/looked after children in semi-independent
placements/care leavers/uasc, please specify when each of these are
due to be re-tendered.

3. Do organisations need to go through a pre-registration process to
accommodate looked after children in residential care/looked after
children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc on a spot
purchase basis?

4. Do you have local authority run provisions for looked after
children in residential care/looked after children in
semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? If so, how many of
each category are currently accommodated in these facilities?

5. Please specify the number of looked after children in residential
care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care
leavers/uasc accommodated currently via:
a. spot purchase
b. framework agreements
c. block contracts
6. How many care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old and specified in
the answer to question 4 are are accommodated in residential
children's homes?

7. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a looked after
child aged under 16 year in a private residential children's home?

8. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a private residential children's

9. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent

10. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a  care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in an unsupervised semi-independent
provision?   Please include the cost of floating support. Please
advise if you do not place 16-17 year olds in an unsupervised
semi-independent provision.

11. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc aged 18-24 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent
provision?  Please advise if you do not place 18-24 year olds in a
supervised semi-independent provision.

12. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing care
leavers/uasc 18-24 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent
provision?  Please include the cost of floating support.

13. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating looked after children in residential children's homes? 
Who is the specific named point of contact?

14. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years
old?  Who is the specific named point of contact?

15. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 years
old?  Who is the specific named point of contact?

16. Who should be approached within the council to discuss framework
agreement/block purchase commissioning for accommodating looked after
children in residential care/looked after children in
semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?  Who is the specific
named point of contact?

17. Please can you provide me with a list of all of your current
suppliers signed up to framework agreements/block purchase contracts
for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked
after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?


Our Response:

Request and response
1.   Can you please explain your commissioning processes for
providers of accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after
children in residential care/looked after children in
semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc. Do you spot purchase,
have framework agreements or have block contracts in each of these
The TACT Peterborough Permanency Service inherited the arrangements
previously used by Peterborough City Council in respects of
independent fostering agency and children s residential homes
services and has responsibility for commissioning these services
through an evaluated service provider list.  Post 16 services are
commissioned by the local authority, Peterborough City Council, again
under a Framework agreement. The single block contract is for the
provision of one Crash Pad bed. All placements are made by the Access
to Resources Team (ART) irrespective of the service commissioner.

2. If you have framework agreements and/or block contracts for
accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children in
residential care/looked after children in semi-independent
placements/care leavers/uasc, please specify when each of these are
due to be re-tendered.
We are refreshing the list of Independent Fostering Agency and
Children s Homes providers during 2018/19 as we seek to develop our
sufficiency strategy. Post 16 Semi Independent provision services
which include some UASC provision are being re tendered by
Peterborough City Council jointly with Cambridgeshire County Council
in May/June 2018.

3. Do organisations need to go through a pre-registration process to
accommodate looked after children in residential care/looked after
children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc on a spot
purchase basis?
Yes, they do.

4. Do you have local authority run provisions for looked after
children in residential care/looked after children in
semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc? If so, how many of
each category are currently accommodated in these facilities?
We have a TACT Peterborough fostering service and encourage carers to
continue caring for children over 18 under staying put arrangements.
We also place children in Independent Fostering Agencies, Children s
homes, Post 16 semi independence and Secure provision with external

5. Please specify the number of looked after children in residential
care/looked after children in semi-independent placements/care
leavers/uasc accommodated currently via:
a. spot purchase None
b. framework agreements All children placed externally are subject to
an evaluated service provider list with a general framework contract
and individual placement agreements. As of 31^st January 2018 There
were 19 children in Post 16 Semi-independent provision, 35 in
Residential Children s Homes, 96 with Independent Fostering Agencies
and 27 UASC.
c. block contracts - One crash pad bed.

6. How many care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years old and specified in
the answer to question 4 are accommodated in residential children's

7. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a looked after
child aged under 16 year in a private residential children's home?

8. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a private residential children's

9. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent
£900 p/w

10. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a  care
leavers/uasc child aged 16-17 in an unsupervised semi-independent
provision?   Please include the cost of floating support. Please
advise if you do not place 16-17 year olds in an unsupervised
semi-independent provision.
We would not place children in unsupervised provision under the age
of 18, the level of supervision depends on needs of young person

11. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing a care
leavers/uasc aged 18-24 in a 24/7 supervised semi-independent
provision?  Please advise if you do not place 18-24 year olds in a
supervised semi-independent provision.

12. What is the 2017/18 average weekly cost of placing care
leavers/uasc 18-24 year olds in an unsupervised semi-independent
provision?  Please include the cost of floating support.
This service is not responsible for paying accommodation costs for
young people over the age of 18 apart from non-recourse to public
funds UASC. Figure is as in 11.

13. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating looked after children in residential children's homes? 
Who is the specific named point of contact?

 As specified in question 5 we do not spot purchase but the Access to
Resources Team - 01733 863840 would be pleased to have initial
conversations with those interested in providing services for
Peterborough children.

14. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 16-17 years
old?  Who is the specific named point of contact?
As specified in question 5 we do not spot purchase but the Access to
Resources Team - 01733 863840 would be pleased to have initial
conversations with those interested in providing services for
Peterborough children.

15. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot
purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for
accommodating and/or supporting care leavers/uasc aged 18-24 years
old?  Who is the specific named point of contact?
As specified in question 5 we do not spot purchase but the Access to
Resources Team - 01733 863840 would be pleased to have initial
conversations with those interested in providing services for
Peterborough children.

16. Who should be approached within the council to discuss framework
agreement/block purchase commissioning for accommodating looked after
children in residential care/looked after children in
semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?  Who is the specific
named point of contact?
Access to Resources Team - 01733 863840

17. Please can you provide me with a list of all of your current
suppliers signed up to framework agreements/block purchase contracts
for accommodating looked after children in residential care/looked
after children in semi-independent placements/care leavers/uasc?
We are unable to do this without the permission of the said



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publishing the documents or issuing copies to the public will require
the permission of the copyright owner, where copyright exists.  Such
a request would be considered separately in accordance with the
relevant Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 and is
not automatic.  Therefore no permission is implied in the re-use of
these documents, until such a request for re-use has been made and
agreed, subject to any appropriate conditions. 


You may re-use any dataset included in this response (excluding
logos) free of charge, in any format or medium, under the terms of
the Open Government Licence v2.0. To view this licence, visit
the [1]National Archives website or
email [2][email address].  Where we have identified
any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain
permission from the copyright holders concerned.  Users reproducing
Peterborough City Council content without adaptation should include a
source accreditation to Peterborough City Council: Source:
Peterborough City Council licensed under the Open Government Licence
v.2.0.  Users reproducing content which is adapted should include a
source accreditation to Peterborough City Council: Adapted from data
from Peterborough City Council licensed under the Open Government
Licence v.2.0.


If you have any queries or concerns then please do not hesitate to
contact me.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please
contact the Information Specialist, Peterborough City Council, Town
Hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1HG; Telephone: 01733 452533,
e-mail: [3][Peterborough City Council request email]


You can also complain to the Information Commissioner at:

            The Information Commissioner's Office

            Wycliffe House, Water lane

            Wilmslow, Cheshire

            SK9 5AF

            Tel: 01625 545700



Yours faithfully


Tracey Wright

Information Specialist

Peterborough City Council

Town Hall





Telephone 01733 452533


show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are nilesh bhalani please sign in and let everyone know.