Children's intensive care doctor, Salman Siddiqi, 'acted in an indecent manner in a public place' - Daily Mail

The request was partially successful.

Dear General Medical Council,

Dr Siddiqi was suspended for a month.

Daily Mail:

"Little detail was given of the offence itself but GMC lawyer Boyd Morwood told the Manchester hearing: 'At a time of moral turbulence, the public expects professionals to act in accordance with the duties imposed upon them by law.

'Dr Siddiqi's conduct failed to meet the high standards expected of him. He acted in an indecent manner in a public place and accepted that his conduct on the day was such as to cause others alarm or distress.'"

The article also includes:

"His caution remained a secret for almost two years until the shamed NHS medic alerted GMC officials in March last year following an 'informal discussion' with a senior colleague."

1. Please provide information on the obligation of doctors to notify you of police cautions they receive and on the penalties you can impose if they fail to do so.

I am aware that sometimes the police contact you about the criminal conduct of doctors.

2. Please provide the number of times the police contacted you during 2021/22 with details of doctors' criminal activities and any information you may hold regarding the circumstances when they do.

Yours faithfully,

J Roberts

FOI, General Medical Council

Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a further acknowledgement.
You’ll usually hear from us on the next working day, but it might take a
little longer during busy periods.

In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website.

Thank you

Information Access team

General Medical Council

Email: [GMC request email]

FOI, General Medical Council

Dear J Roberts

Your information request – IR1-3624376368

Thank you for your email dated 20 July 2022, asking for information on the obligation of doctors to notify the GMC of police cautions and the number of times the police have contacted the GMC during 2021/22 YTD with details of doctor criminal activity.

How we will consider your request
We’re going to consider your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The FOIA gives us 20 working days to respond, but we’ll come back to you as soon as we can.

Who to contact
Charlotte Lund will be handling your request. If you have any questions, you can call her on 0161 250 6938 or email her at [email address].

Yours sincerely
Selen Shah
Information Access Assistant
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW

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Charlotte Lund, General Medical Council

Dear J Roberts

Your information access request - IR1-3624376368

I have considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA). I’m sorry for the delay in providing this response and any
inconvenience caused.

I have copied out your questions below and put our response underneath.

1.      Please provide information on the obligation of doctors to notify
you of police cautions they receive and on the penalties you can impose if
they fail to do so.

In our core guidance, good medical practice, at paragraph 75 we say:

You must tell us without delay if, anywhere in the world:

a you have accepted a caution from the police or been criticised by an
official inquiry

b you have been charged with or found guilty of a criminal offence

c another professional body has made a finding against your registration
as a result of fitness to practise procedures.^29

Here is a link to the Good Medical Practice guidance -

Endnote 29 also directs Doctors to further guidance, which can be found
here - [2]Reporting criminal and regulatory proceedings within and outside
the UK - ethical guidance summary - GMC (

As we assess a doctor’s fitness to practise in the round, it is not
possible to say what sanction would be imposed on a doctor’s registration
if they failed to inform the GMC of receiving a caution from the police.
As the sanction represent the outcome of the case as a whole which may
include multiple allegations.


 2. Please provide the number of times the police contacted you during
2021/22 with details of doctors' criminal activities and any
information you may hold regarding the circumstances when they do.

I have identified 104 police referrals (these are described as
‘enquiries’) for 104 individual doctors which include allegations relating
to potential criminal matters.



Please note that we, occasionally receive a request from the police about
doctors under investigation that also indicate new concerns, not connected
to the open investigation. In these instances, a new enquiry can be
opened, however the source of the enquiry is recorded as the GMC.

Other circumstances in which the police may contact the GMC:

l  DBS checks

l  Historical registration check

l  Request for doctors contact details

l  Requests for information that may help the police with their

l  Police may have concerns regarding the doctors health or any other
concerns which may be relevant to their fitness to practise


Who to contact

I hope you find this information useful. If you have any queries about
this or need anything further, please contact me.

Yours sincerely




Charlotte Lund

Information Access Officer

General Medical Council, 3 Hardman St, Manchester M3 3AW


Email: [email address]

Telephone: 0161 250 6938 (ext 6938)




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