Northamptonshire County Council
By Email
Please ask for:
Freedom of Information
01604 368360
C Buckley
Our Ref:
Your ref:
26th October 2015
r Sir/Madam,
Information Request:FR6016
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 6th October 2015. Your request
has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and is detailed below in
italics with our response in bold.
Our Response
The Freedom of Information Team has been provided with the following information in
response to your recent request on behalf of Northamptonshire County Council (NCC).
Please could you advise how many children with SEN have an independent school names
in part 4 of their statements.
How many of the independent schools which are named are local and how many are out
of county placements?
6 schools have a Northamptonshire post code, 41 have post codes from other
What number of children fall into each category of need? Eg PMLD, EBD etc?
123 children designated across the following categories ASD, HI, MLD, SEMH and
Other Categories of Need.
How many of these children are being educated in independent schools currently rated as
inadequate by Ofsted?
The Authority currently has placements which are low enough in numbers in this
case (5) that may identify a child/ren in independent schools rated inadequate.
Northamptonshire County Council
County Hall
t. 01604 368360
DPA 1998 says that If numbers are too low and with any other information available
it’s leaving a child identifiable to anyone, s40 applies.
This information is taken from the most recent looked after children publication to
explain why we suppress:
The National Statistics Code of Practice requires that reasonable steps should be
taken to ensure that all published or disseminated statistics produced by the
Department for Education protect confidentiality. National figures have been
rounded to the nearest 10 and Local Authority figures have been rounded to the
nearest 5. For confidentiality purposes, numbers from one to five inclusive have
been replaced in the published tables by a cross (x). To ensure the suppressed
number cannot be identified by simple arithmetic secondary suppression may be
required. In this case the next smallest number less than 20 is also suppressed.
Where any number is shown as zero (0), the original figure submitted was zero (0).
What is the council's policy on placing children in independent schools at a cost to the
public purse where the school is rated as either requires improvement or inadequate?
Placing children at independent schools is in accordance with the statutory SEN
The information supplied is provided for private use, such as non-commercial research
purposes, and news reporting. Any other type of re-use will require the permission of the
copyright owner under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
If you are unhappy with the way in which the Council has handled your request, you can
ask the Council to review it. To do this, please write to the address below:
Janine Lythe
Corporate Support Manager
Northamptonshire County Council
Room 223
County Hall
Email –
If our internal review does not resolve the issue to your complete satisfaction, you have the
right to apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision at the following address:
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Or, if you have any complaints in respect of your information request please complete the
on-line comments form that can be found a
t, along with a
full set of guidance.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement