Children on your Dynamic Support Register living in hospital
Dear NHS North West London Integrated Care Board,
I would be most grateful if you would provide under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect of the following.
• How many Dynamic Support Registers does your ICB have and which areas do they cover?
• Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support Registers? If you do can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this responsibility to for each area?
• How many children aged under 18 do you have on your Dynamic Support Register or Registers who are living in hospital?
o How many of these children have a C(E)TR?
o How many of these children have a young people’s Keyworker?
o How many C(E)TRs include a response to CETR principle and standard 7.5 where “long term planning to support discharge (e.g. housing or where bespoke care packages may be required) is being considered..”
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson
Thank you for your information request sent to NHS North West London
Integrated Care Board (ICB).
Please take this email as acknowledgement for your request. The ICB will
respond as soon as possible and within 20 working days in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act.
Communications and Engagement Team
NHS North West London
[1][NHS North West London Integrated Care Board request email]
15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD
Dear Margaret Dawson,
Thank you for your information request sent to NHS North West London
Integrated Care Board.
Our response is attached.
Communications and Engagement Team
NHS North West London
[1][NHS North West London Integrated Care Board request email]
15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD
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