Children on your Dynamic Support Register living in hospital
Dear NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board,
I would be most grateful if you would provide under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect of the following.
• How many Dynamic Support Registers does your ICB have and which areas do they cover?
• Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support Registers? If you do can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this responsibility to for each area?
• How many children aged under 18 do you have on your Dynamic Support Register or Registers who are living in hospital?
o How many of these children have a C(E)TR?
o How many of these children have a young people’s Keyworker?
o How many C(E)TRs include a response to CETR principle and standard 7.5 where “long term planning to support discharge (e.g. housing or where bespoke care packages may be required) is being considered..”
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Dawson
Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information (FOI) Team at NHS
North Central London ICB.
This team deals with requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
We regularly monitor the FOI inbox. We will acknowledge your request
within 2 working days. (excludes weekends and Bank Holidays).
The information you seek may already be published on the ICB’s website,
link below:
If you are unable to find the information you want, please continue to
make a request to the FOI team including,
• A full name.
• The specific details of the information requested.
• A contact email address for the ICB’s response.
Please note that a request for information should be made in the body of
the email, rather than as an attachment.
For Subject Access Requests (SARs) which relate to personal information,
please contact the Subject Access Request team,
FOI Team
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson,
RE: Freedom of Information request
I am writing to formally acknowledge your request for information regarding children on the dynamic support register which will be processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I can confirm your request was received on 11 December 2023 by NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The reference for your request is shown below.
FOI.23.NCL 333 NHS North Central London ICB
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the information you have requested is held by the ICB and if so, whether it can be released in accordance with the legislation.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request, please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information team
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson,
I write further to your request FOI.23.NCL 333 (NHS North Central London
In order for the ICB to identify and locate the information requested we
reasonably require clarification from you on the scope of your request.
Freedom of Information Act 2000, Section 16 stipulates a duty for a public
authority to provide advice and assistance when they receive an unclear or
ambiguous request.
Please provide clarification to the points below:
How many children aged under 18 do you have on your Dynamic Support
Register or Registers who are living in hospital?
It would be helpful to clarify if you are asking how many young people on
the DSR are currently inpatients in hospital?
When they are discharged from hospital, they may need to live in a
specialist therapeutic setting in the community, depending on level of
The purpose of being in hospital is to receive treatment for the shortest
possible time, and it is not where children are placed to live.
How many of these children have a C(E)TR?
The answer to this question will depend on the clarification provided
In theory, all children who are on a Dynamic Support Register and admitted
to hospital will have had a CETR prior to admission, or after admission if
they were admitted in an emergency.
Further, CETRs are something that take place periodically, not just once.
This question would be clearer if it was - “How many of these children
have had a C(E)TR?”.
Also, this depends on the period – month / year. Please could you clarify
the time period involved.
How many of these children have a young people’s Keyworker?
The Keyworker programme is in place to support those with the highest
needs on the DSRs, in some areas this may mean all CYP on the DSR who are
current inpatients will be open to the keyworker team. We can confirm the
criteria locally once clarification has been provided.
Also, do you mean Keyworker service rather than a Keyworker?
Until we receive this information from you, in line with current
legislation your request will be placed on hold.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request
further, please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
[1][email address]
Thank you for your response to my recent FOI request. My apologies that my questions were not sufficiently clear. Hopefully these are more helpful.
To clarify,
- Do you currently have young people on your DSR/s who are inpatients in hospital? and
- How many young people on your DSR/s are currently inpatients in hospital?
In terms of C(E)TRs,
- How many young people who are currently inpatients in hospital have a C(E)TR?
And in terms of the Keyworker service/programme
- How many young people who are on your DSR/s and are currently inpatients in hospital are allocated a Keyworker from the Keyworker service/programme.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Dawson
Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information (FOI) Team at NHS
North Central London ICB.
This team deals with requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
We regularly monitor the FOI inbox. We will acknowledge your request
within 2 working days. (excludes weekends and Bank Holidays).
The information you seek may already be published on the ICB’s website,
link below:
If you are unable to find the information you want, please continue to
make a request to the FOI team including,
• A full name.
• The specific details of the information requested.
• A contact email address for the ICB’s response.
Please note that a request for information should be made in the body of
the email, rather than as an attachment.
For Subject Access Requests (SARs) which relate to personal information,
please contact the Subject Access Request team,
FOI Team
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson,
RE: FOI request - FOI.23.NCL 333 (NHS North Central London ICB)
Thank you for the clarification of the FOI request provided below.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information team
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson
Please find the attached response from NHS North Central London ICB with
regard to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
[1][email address]
Dear NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board,
I submitted an FOI request reference FOI.23.NCL333 - however not all my questions received any response either to say the information was not available or that you had decided not to share this. I would therefore kindly ask that you provide a response to the missing questions under the Freedom of Information act. They are,
1. How many Dynamic Support Registers does your ICB have, who and which areas do they cover?
2. Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support Registers? If you do can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this responsibility to for each area?
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Dawson
Margaret Dawson
Dear Margaret Dawson,
RE: FOI request - FOI.23.NCL 333 (NHS Central London ICB)
Thank you for your email below.
The ICB's response (8 February) related to your clarification of your FOI request which was received 16 January 2024.
The FOI team apologises for any confusion.
In response to the questions below,
1. How many Dynamic Support Registers does your ICB have, who and which areas do they cover?
NHS North Central London ICB has 5 Dynamic Support Registers.
The areas that they cover are Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington.
2. Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support Registers?
No. The management of the children’s DSR resides with the Borough ICB children’s commissioners.
If you do, can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this responsibility to for each area?
Not applicable.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
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