Freedom of Information Requests
Vespasian House
REF: ICB 338
Barrack Road
Margaret Dawson
Tel: 01305 386900
12th January 2024
Dear Requester
Request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
On 15th December 2023 you sent a request, made under the Freedom of Information
Act, relating to dynamic support register. I now provide this information as an
I trust that this is the information you require and that your request has been fully
If you are unhappy with this response, you are entitled to request an internal review of
our decision, handled where possible by a member of staff not directly involved in the
initial decision. If you wish to request such a review, please write direct to the Data
Protection Officer, NHS Dorset, Vespasian House, Barrack Road, Dorchester DT1
1TG. We aim to deal with requests for internal review within three weeks of receipt,
although where the issues involved are very complicated this period may be extended
up to a total of six weeks.
If you have queries about this response, please do not hesitate to contact me
quoting the above reference number.
Yours sincerely
Signature removed
Paddy Baker
Data Protection Officer
Supporting people in Dorset to lead healthier lives
Reference: ICB 338
Q1: How many Dynamic Support Registers does your ICB have and which areas do
they cover?
One Dynamic Support Register which is All Age and covers both local authorities
within the Dorset Integrated Care System.
Q2: Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support
Registers? If you do can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this
responsibility to for each area?
Accountability and management of the Dorset Dynamic Support Register is currently
retained by NHS Dorset.
Q3: How many children aged under 18 do you have on your Dynamic Support
Register or Registers who are living in hospital?
As at 18/12/2023 Dorset has 3 children and young people under 18 who are
currently in tier 4 mental health hospitals.
Q3a: How many of these children have a C(E)TR?
The responsibility for Dorset children and young people whilst they are in tier 4
mental health hospitals comes under the Wessex and Dorset Provider
Collaborative. This includes responsibility for undertaking hospital Care (Education)
and Treatment Review Meetings.
Q3b: How many of these children have a young people’s Keyworker?
Response: None of the children and young people inpatients currently have a Keyworker. NHS
Dorset was in the Wave 3 Keyworker Service rollout and this service is still in the
process of being set up within Dorset.
Supporting people in Dorset to lead healthier lives
Q3c: How many C(E)TRs include a response to CETR principle and standard 7.5
where “long term planning to support discharge (e.g. housing or where bespoke care
packages may be required) is being considered.”.
I can advise that NHS Dorset does not hold the information requested. You may be
able to obtain the information you require by making your request to Wessex and
Dorset Provider Collaborative on – Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust who lead the Wessex
and Dorset Provider Collaborative.
Supporting people in Dorset to lead healthier lives