Children Not In School
Dear North East Lincolnshire Council,
How many children of compulsory school age are known to live in your LA as of 1st September 2024?
How many state school places for children of compulsory school age are there in your LA boundaries?
How many independent school places for children of compulsory school age are their in your LA Boundaries?
How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are categorised as being children missing education as of 1st September 2024?
How many compulsory school age children are electively home educated as of 1st September 2024?
How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are receiving their education outside of a school setting funded by the LA as of 1st September 2024
If a parent moves into your LA and requests a school place using figures from last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a school?
If a parent was Electively home educating and stops EHE and requests a school place using figures from last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a school?
If a parent withdraws there child from an independent school and requests a school place using figures from the last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a local school?
Dose the LA facilitate any education for the child between the parental request and school enrolment?
If no why not?
Yours faithfully,
Michelle McAuley
Children Not In School
Dear Sir / Madam
I am pleased to acknowledge your request for information, which has been
allocated the reference number NELC/31608/2425.
Your request has been passed to the relevant department and you can expect
your response within the 20 working day limit. If it will take us longer
than 20 working days to respond to you, we will inform you of this and
provide you with the expected date for receiving a response.
Further information about how we will deal with your Freedom of
Information requests is available on our website at:
Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or
assistance quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
North East Lincolnshire Council
Dear Requester
Thank you for your information request, reference number NELC/31608/2425.
I can confirm that North East Lincolnshire Council holds the following
How many children of compulsory school age are known to live in your LA as
of 1st September 2024?
How many state school places for children of compulsory school age are
there in your LA boundaries?
33,568 (as per PAN/agreed numbers at all mainstream schools/academies in
How many independent school places for children of compulsory school age
are their in your LA Boundaries?
How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are
categorised as being children missing education as of 1st September 2024?
63 (comprising applicants pending admission and CME)
How many compulsory school age children are electively home educated as of
1st September 2024?
How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are receiving
their education outside of a school setting funded by the LA as of 1st
September 2024
If a parent moves into your LA and requests a school place using figures
from last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the
parental request until the child is enrolled in a school?
The period from request to enrolment ranges from five school days to
never/no admission to school; this has been due to some applicants who do
not engage with a school place offer and elect to home educate following
offer of a school place or in cases of those families/children leaving the
local authority area after application and offer of a school place but
before admission to school had taken place.
If a parent was Electively home educating and stops EHE and requests a
school place using figures from last 3 years what is the average amount of
days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a
The period from request to enrolment ranges from five school days to
never/no admission to school; this has been due to applicants wishing
their child to remain home educated following offer of a school place or
in cases of those families/children leaving the local authority area after
application and offer of a school place but before admission to school had
taken place.
If a parent withdraws there child from an independent school and requests
a school place using figures from the last 3 years what is the average
amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is
enrolled in a local school?
North East Lincolnshire Council don’t record or hold separate data for
children previously enrolled at an independent school; all school transfer
requests through the Local Authority are dealt with in the same process.
Dose the LA facilitate any education for the child between the parental
request and school enrolment?
If no why not?
No, this is due to funding and resource limitations; for school
applications pending allocation these would be processed within the
expected statutory timeframe for school admission requests (allocation
decisions within three school weeks and considered under Fair Access
Protocol if out of school for four or more weeks). However, there is
limited targeted local tuition support focused upon EHCP, CIC and
vulnerable cases.
If you believe that your request for information has not been handled in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to
request an internal review by the Council. If you wish to request an
internal review, please write to us detailing the reasons why. Please be
clear about which elements of the Council’s response or handling of the
request you are unhappy with, and would like the Council to address during
the internal review process. If following this you are still dissatisfied
you may contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.
Yours sincerely
North East Lincolnshire Council
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