We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James please sign in and let everyone know.

Children in Care Statistics

We're waiting for James to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear North Lincolnshire Council,

1. How many children do you have in care in your Local Authority?
2. How many foster carers do you currently have approved in-house?
3. In the financial year of March 31st 2023-1st April 2024 how many foster carers did you approve and how many resigned in that period?
4. What are your top three sufficiency needs in terms of placement availability for children and young people?
5. What are the fostering allowances in your service for mainstream foster carers?
6. What is the % split between children placed in house and children placed in IFA?
7. How many children do you have in residential care?
8. Do you have any specialist foster carer projects such as step across from residential care? Yes or No
9. If you do have a project of this kind, please answer the following:
a) Is this an in-house project or outsourced to an IFA?
b) How many children within this project had a plan of foster care but ended up in residential care due to lack of foster carer availability?
c) How many of the children in this project had a care plan of residential but are now ready to move into foster care?
d) When did this project start and what is the duration of the project?
e) How many children in total within this project are you aiming to move back into foster care?
f) Thus far, how many children have you successfully placed into foster care via this project?
g) Of these children moved, have the children moved in the agreed timeframe? and if not what have been the barriers?
h) Are the children placed solo or alongside other children in care?
i) What are the carers paid inhouse or IFA paid per placement per child stepping from residential into foster care?
j) Is there an aftercare package attached to this project and if so, what does this consist of in terms of support?

Yours faithfully,


Information Governance Team,

Dear James,

Thank you for your request which was received on 2nd October. The estimate
response date for your request is the 30th October.

Should you have any queries, amendments or additions relating to this
request, please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours Faithfully

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council

Information Governance Team,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Information Disclosure FOI2024 01683.odt

    642K Download

Dear James,

I am writing in response to your request for information, that was
received on the 2nd October. Please find our Information Disclosure letter

If we can be of any further assistance with regard to this request please
let us know quoting the above reference number.

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James please sign in and let everyone know.