Children and YP residential and supported living
Dear FOI Team,
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below.
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Health and Social Care. DPS 3 — Independent Living Services:
The details we require are:
• What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?
• Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages
• Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date
• Start date & duration of framework/contract?
• Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
• Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?
• Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
• Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?
Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely
Helen Skea
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
Contact: Information Team
[Croydon Borough Council request email]
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email. If
you have a processing request, please ensure you quote that reference in
your emails to us.
Dear Helen Skea
Freedom of information request - FOI/9106
Subject: FOI - Children and YP residential and supported living
Your request is being considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days, subject to the application of
any exemptions. Where consideration is being given to exemptions the 20
working day timescale may be extended to a period considered reasonable
depending on the nature and circumstances of your request. In such cases
you will be notified and, where possible, a revised time-scale will be
indicated. In all cases we shall attempt to deal with your request at the
earliest opportunity.
If we are unable to provide you with the information requested we will
notify you of this together with the reason(s) why, and details of how you
may appeal.
Please note that the directorate team may contact you for further
information where we believe that the request is not significantly clear
for us to respond fully.
Kind Regard
Information Management Team
Croydon Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
7th Floor, Zone B
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B
Contact: Information Team
[email address]
Dear Helen Skea
Request FOI/9106
Freedom of Information Request
Your request has been considered under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act. Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding
to you. Specifically, you have requested the following information:
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of
Information Act, details in respect to the contract below.
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Health and Social Care. DPS 3 —
Independent Living Services:
The details we require are:
• What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?
Please see attached. Despite the header referring to Support living this
attachment is the same spec for all three lots below.
• Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were
successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages • Actual spend on this
contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to
the current date • Start date & duration of framework/contract?
(i) Successful providers:
Lot 1: Supported Living
Active Prospects
Allied Health services Ltd
Alpenbest Care
Brandon Trust
Care Management Group
Care Tech Community Services Ltd
CN Healthcare
Consensus Community Support Ltd
Evolve Housing and Support
Frontier Support Service Ltd
Gracefield Home Care Services Ltd
Heritage Care
Home Group
KeyRing Living Support Network
Lifeways Community Care
Lone Care Services
Look Ahead Housing and Care
Metropolitan Housing Trust
MidCo Care Ltd
Northern Healthcare Ltd
Precious Homes Ltd
Sanctuary Home Care t/a Sanctuary
Spencer and Arlington
Star Care UK Ltd
The Camden Society (London)
Wisdom Support Ltd
Lot 2 – Housing Related Support:
Hestia Housing and Support
Home Group
Look Ahead Housing and Care
Sanctuary Support
Chatfield House
Langley House Trust
Penrose Options
Caridon Young Living
Crossways supported Housing Limited
Immediatesocialcare ltd
Yvonne Lewis Limited
Bromley and Croydon Womens Aid
KeyRing Living Support Network
Thames Reach
Ambient Support
Ability Housing
Grove Care Agency
CSN Care Group t/a Carewatch
Premier Care Services Limited
Lot 3 – Young Peoples Semi Independent Accommodation:
Evolve Housing & Support
Green Harvest Capital Consulting
JEM Support
Look Ahead Housing and Care
My Life Semi Independent Project
Oasis UK Ltd
Own Life Ltd
Evolve Housing + Support
Green Harvest Capital Consulting
My Life Semi Independent Project
Oasis UK Ltd
Pathways to Independence Housing
Own Life Ltd
(ii) Unsuccessful providers:
The Council considers this to be commercially sensitive information and
covered by the exemption provided in Section 43 of Freedom of Information
Act. This exemption applies to information which if disclosed would, or
would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person,
including the Council.
In deciding whether to apply this exemption the Council is expected to
balance the public interest test in withholding the information against
the public interest in disclosing the information. The information is
considered, by the Council, to be commercially sensitive as its disclosure
would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of the of
Council, as it is considered that if the information is disclosed to you
it could potentially weaken the Council ability to obtain value for money
in respect of any future purchases of this type.
Furthermore, these companies details are provided in confidence. The
council is therefore of the view that it could be subject to an actionable
breach of confidence if it were to disclose information relating to
companies to third parties without their authorisation. The Council would
look to claim an exemption for this under Section 41 (Information Provided
in Confidence) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
(iii) Spend:
‘’Current’’ spend to date data, would need to be obtained from Finance
We do not hold this information separately in order to run a report or
withdraw it from our finance systems, therefore we are not able to answer
this question.
(iv) Contract Value:
Life of Contract of all three Lots ‘’Estimated value’’ - £350,000,000.00
Start date & duration of framework/Contract?
Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given
to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so,
the duration of the extension?
Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are
being either extended or renewed?
Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this
All/Any data (as listed below), relating to frameworks in relation to
Contracts, can be found at the website listed below, where the enquirer
can requester an account to access such data:
• View a list of tenders/contracts/quotations.
• View information on contracts that have already been awarded.
• Express interest in a particular tender or quotation.
• Receive tender and/or quotation documentation.
• Safely return your tender or quotation documents.
• Send and receive correspondence.
[2]London Borough of Croydon E-Procurement Site - Home (
Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 therefore applies,
‘Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means’. This
acts as an exemption notice. Section 21 is an absolute exemption and
therefore does not require the public interests balancing test to be
This means that the Council is relieved of the duty to communicate the
requested information to an applicant if there is an existing method by
which the information can be obtained, outside of the operation of the
Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this
Shelley Prince - Integrated Commissioning & Procurement
Children, Young People, Education and Health – Croydon Council and South
West London ICB, Croydon Place
Address enquires to the below generic mail box which is manned daily and
will enable a prompt response
[4][email address]
The Council publishes Access to Information requests and responses on its
online Disclosure Log. (Any request included within this log will be
anonymised appropriately)
To view the Council’s Disclosure Log, please visit our website available
If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request
under the Freedom of Information Act you may ask for an internal review.
This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of this response.
You can do this by outlining the details of your complaint by:
Email: [email address]
Writing: Information Team
London Borough of Croydon
Bernard Weatherill House
3^rd Floor - Zone E
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
Any requests received after the 40 working day time limit will be
considered only at the discretion of the council.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely
Croydon Council
Visible links
4. mailto:[email address]
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