Child Risk Assessment Matrix

The request was partially successful.

Dear Metropolitan Police Service (MPS),

This request for information under the Freedom of Information Act refers to an article on the Community Care website, and in particular to the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM). See:

My questions are as follows:

1. Was an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken in respect of the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? If so, please supply a copy of this assessment.

2. "Disability"
(a) Which definition of “disability” was used to determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of “disability” as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

3. "Home educated"
(a) Which definition of “home educated” was used to determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of “home educated” as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

4. "Privately fostered"
(a) Which definition of “privately fostered” was used to determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of “privately fostered” as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

A White

Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

Dear Mr or Ms White

Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010090003147
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 19/09/2010. I note you seek
access to the following information:

This request for information under the Freedom of Information Act refers
to an article on the Community Care website, and in particular to the
Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM). See: My questions are as follows:
1. Was an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken in respect of the Child
Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
If so, please supply a copy of this assessment.

2. "Disability"

(a) Which definition of ***disability*** was used to determine its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***disability*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

3. "Home educated"

(a) Which definition of ***home educated*** was used to determine
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***home educated*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

4. "Privately fostered"

(a) Which definition of ***privately fostered*** was used to
determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk
Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***privately fostered*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk
Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act, subject to
the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third
party. In some circumstances the MPS may be unable to achieve this
deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised
time-scale at the earliest opportunity.

Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to
another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest
possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.


Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet, which details your right of

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write
or contact me on telephone number 020 7230 2003 quoting the reference
number above.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Beaumont
SCD Information Manager

Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?

You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.

Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.

Ask to have the decision looked at again ***

The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision

That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS to have the
decision reviewed.

Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days from
the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:

FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]

In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner

After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for
a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at
Alternatively, phone or write to:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700

show quoted sections

Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

Dear Mr White

Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010090003147

I respond in connection with your request for information, which was
received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 19/09/2010. I note
you seek access to the following information:

* This request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
refers to an article on the Community Care website, and in particular
to the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM). See: My questions are as
follows: 1. Was an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken in respect of
the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? If so, please supply a copy
of this assessment. 2. "Disability" (a) Which definition of
***disability*** was used to determine its inclusion as an alleged
risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? (b) What
evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of ***disability***
as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor. 3. "Home educated" (a) Which
definition of ***home educated*** was used to determine its inclusion
as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of ***home
educated*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to
justify its inclusion as an alleged risk factor. 4. "Privately
fostered" (a) Which definition of ***privately fostered*** was used to
determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk
Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? (b) What evidence base was used to determine
the inclusion of ***privately fostered*** as an alleged risk factor
in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)? Please supply copies of
all evidence used by the MPS to justify its inclusion as an alleged
risk factor.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act), we have 20 working
days to respond to a request for information unless we are considering
whether the information requested is covered by one of the 'qualified
exemptions' (exemptions which must be tested against the public interest
before deciding whether they apply to the information in question).

Where we are considering the public interest test against the application
of relevant qualified exemptions, Section 17(2)(b) provides that we can
extend the 20 day deadline.

Section 17(2) provides:

2) Where-
a) in relation to any request for information, a public authority is, as
respects any information, relying on a claim-
i) that any provision of Part II which relates to the duty to confirm or
deny and is not specified in section 2(3) is relevant to the request, or
ii) that the information is exempt information only by virtue of a
provision not specified in section 2(3), and
b) at the time when the notice under subsection (1) is given to the
applicant, the public authority (or, in a case falling within section
66(3) or (4), the responsible authority) has not yet reached a decision as
to the application of subsection (1)(b) or (2)(b) of section 2,
the notice under subsection (1) must indicate that no decision as to the
application of that provision has yet been reached and must contain an
estimate of the date by which the authority expects that such a decision
will have been reached.

I am sorry to inform you that we have not been able to complete our
response to your request by the date originally stated, as we are
currently considering whether 'qualified exemptions' apply to the
information you have requested. As a result we will not be able to respond
within 20 working days.

For your information we are considering the following exemption(s):

Section 30 - Investigations and Section 31 - Law Enforcement

I can now advise you that the amended date for a response is 12/11/2010.

May I apologise for any inconvenience caused.


If you are dissatisfied with this response please read the attached paper
entitled Complaint Rights which explains how to make a complaint.

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me on 020 7230 2331 or at the address at the top of this letter,
quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely

Joanne Hunter
Information Manager

Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?

You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.

Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.

Ask to have the decision looked at again ***

The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision

That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS to have the
decision reviewed.

Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days from
the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:

FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]

In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner

After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for
a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at
Alternatively, phone or write to:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700

The Metropolitan Police Service is here for London - on the streets and in
your community, working with you to make our city safer.

Consider our environment - please do not print this email unless
absolutely necessary.

NOTICE - This email and any attachments may be confidential, subject to
copyright and/or legal privilege and are intended solely for the use of
the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and delete it from your system. To avoid incurring
legal liabilities, you must not distribute or copy the information in this
email without the permission of the sender. MPS communication systems are
monitored to the extent permitted by law. Consequently, any email and/or
attachments may be read by monitoring staff. Only specified personnel are
authorised to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of the MPS by
email. The MPS accepts no responsibility for unauthorised agreements
reached with other employees or agents. The security of this email and
any attachments cannot be guaranteed. Email messages are routinely scanned
but malicious software infection and corruption of content can still occur
during transmission over the Internet. Any views or opinions expressed in
this communication are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The MPS has a
strict staff conduct policy. Any email that causes you concern should be
reported to [1][email address].


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Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

Dear Mr White

Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010090003147

I respond in connection with your request for information which was
received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 19/09/2010. I note
you seek access to the following information:

This request for information under the Freedom of Information Act refers
to an article on the Community Care website, and in particular to the
Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM). See: My questions are as follows:
1. Was an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken in respect of the Child
Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
If so, please supply a copy of this assessment.
2. "Disability"

(a) Which definition of ***disability*** was used to determine its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***disability*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor.
3. "Home educated"

(a) Which definition of ***home educated*** was used to determine
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***home educated*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment
Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor.
4. "Privately fostered"
(a) Which definition of ***privately fostered*** was used to
determine its inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk
Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of
***privately fostered*** as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk
Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor.


To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted
within The Specialist Crime Directorate - Child Abuse Investigation


The searches located information relevant to your request.


I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full.

At question 1 you asked: Was an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken in
respect of the Child Risk Assessment Matrix(CRAM)? If so, please supply a
copy of this assessment.

The MPS response is: The EIA has been agreed to and is to be commissioned
in the near future. Therefore no information is held at the moment.

At question 2 you asked: "Disability"

(a) Which definition of ***disability*** was used to determine its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix

The MPS response is: No specific definition of disability has been used.
The concept/designation in its widest generic understanding is used.

(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of "disability"
as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix (CRAM)?
Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

The MPS response is: The MPS through its own experience and participation
in multi-agency training is aware that on occasion's children with
disability can be more vulnerable to abuse. This has been identified in
some serious case reviews and associated studies such as those published
by the Department of Children School and Family on a biennial basis. No
single or particular evidence was used to justify this risk factor. Please
note that the DCSF has now changed their name to Department of Education.

At question 3 you asked: "Home educated"

(a) Which definition of "home educated" was used to determine its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix

The MPS response is: No specific definition of home educated has been
used. The concept/designation in its widest generic understanding is used.

(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of "home
educated" as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix
(CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor.

The MPS response is: A number of children throughout England and Wales
have suffered from neglect in circumstances where they are home educated.
These cases have attracted both local and national comment and some have
been the subject to serious case reviews. The absence of a child from a
conventional school environment where staff are routinely trained in
safeguarding responsibilities can in some circumstances lead to that child
being in a more vulnerable situation and at a higher risk of neglect or
abuse. No specific individual case evidence has been relied upon for the
inclusion of this category.

At question 4 you asked: "Privately fostered"

(a) Which definition of "privately fostered" was used to determine its
inclusion as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix

The MPS response is: Private fostering is an arrangement where a child or
young person under the age of 16 (or 18 if they are disabled) is looked
after full time for more than 28 consecutive days by an adult who is not
their; legal guardian, grandparent, brother or sister, aunt or uncle.

(b) What evidence base was used to determine the inclusion of "privately
fostered" as an alleged risk factor in the Child Risk Assessment Matrix
(CRAM)? Please supply copies of all evidence used by the MPS to justify
its inclusion as an alleged risk factor

The MPS response is: Children in private fostering arrangements are
recognised by Government as being in a potentially vulnerable situation.
There is a requirement in law for private fostering arrangements to be
registered and inspected by the local authority in which the arrangement
exists. Local authorities and LSCB's have identified a low registration
rate. Amongst some communities there is a practice of sending children to
the UK in non familial or extended kinship placements and on occasions
elements of child exploitation are present.

General note:

All risk factors included within the CRAM are present to prompt full
consideration of 'what it is like to be that child'. The CRAM is used for
matters under investigation or consideration of investigation or where a
child is on a child protection plan. These are cases where a child has
come to the notice of agencies involved in child protection and a
comprehensive assessment of the circumstances surrounding that child is
necessary to inform professionals and develop appropriate, proportional
and effective measures to protect and safeguard the child. The risk
factors within the CRAM have not been individually case evidenced or
academically qualified. They are listed as considerations within a generic
risk assessment process to remind and focus staff on areas that in other
cases have been relevant in terms of risk to the child. It should be noted
that the CRAM also includes opportunity for unspecified 'other' categories
of risk to be included.


Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write
or contact me on telephone number 020 7230 2331 quoting the reference
number above.

Yours sincerely

Joanne Hunter
SCD Information Manager
In complying with their statutory duty under sections 1 and 11 of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 to release the enclosed information, the
Metropolitan Police Service will not breach the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988. However, the rights of the copyright owner of the
enclosed information will continue to be protected by law. Applications
for the copyright owner's written permission to reproduce any part of the
attached information should be addressed to MPS Directorate of Legal
Services, 1st Floor (Victoria Block), New Scotland Yard, Victoria, London,

Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?

You have the right to require the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to
review their decision.

Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.

Ask to have the decision looked at again ***

The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision

That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
the MPS made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information you can lodge a complaint with the MPS to have the
decision reviewed.

Complaints should be made in writing, within forty (40) working days from
the date of the refusal notice, and addressed to:

FOI Complaint
Public Access Office
PO Box 57192
[email address]

In all possible circumstances the MPS will aim to respond to your
complaint within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner

After lodging a complaint with the MPS if you are still dissatisfied with
the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for
a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at
Alternatively, phone or write to:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700

The Metropolitan Police Service is here for London - on the streets and in
your community, working with you to make our city safer.

Consider our environment - please do not print this email unless
absolutely necessary.

NOTICE - This email and any attachments may be confidential, subject to
copyright and/or legal privilege and are intended solely for the use of
the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender and delete it from your system. To avoid incurring
legal liabilities, you must not distribute or copy the information in this
email without the permission of the sender. MPS communication systems are
monitored to the extent permitted by law. Consequently, any email and/or
attachments may be read by monitoring staff. Only specified personnel are
authorised to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of the MPS by
email. The MPS accepts no responsibility for unauthorised agreements
reached with other employees or agents. The security of this email and
any attachments cannot be guaranteed. Email messages are routinely scanned
but malicious software infection and corruption of content can still occur
during transmission over the Internet. Any views or opinions expressed in
this communication are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The MPS has a
strict staff conduct policy. Any email that causes you concern should be
reported via the Contacts section on the official MPS Website at


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