Requests similar to 'Child Protection or Child Trafficking for Anthony Douglas?'

Please find response attached Regards Nicola Elvidge Access to Records Officer Customer Care Team Blackpool Council [1]
Payments to Adoptive Parents
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Avril Williams on .


Please find response attached Kind regards Nicola Elvidge Access to Records Officer Customer Relations Team Commissioining,Performance &...
Dear Mr Woods Please find attached response Kind regards Nicola Elvidge Access to Records Officer Customer Relations Team Commissioin...
Qualified Social Worker Questions
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Alex Carpenter on .


Regards [1] This message has been scanned for inappropriate or malicious content as part of the Cou...
School Temporary Supply Spend 08/09
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Cordelia on .


Dear Cordelia Please accept my apologies for the late response to this FOI request. I have been on leave. The information you have requested i...
Qualified Social Worker Questions
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Alex Carpenter on .


Regards [1] This message has been scanned for inappropriate or malicious content as part of the Council...
Please see attached response Kind regards [1] This message has been scanned for inappropriate or mal...
Ethnicity of Looked After Children
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to mark costello on .


Dear Mr Costello I am sorry you do not appear to have received the FOI response due 15^th March 2011. Please find all the information attached...
Dear Mr Greenhalgh FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the...
Foster care allowances
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to V Jones on .


Dear V Jones Please find attached: o Covering Letter o FOI request information Should you require any further information, please do not h...
Dear Ms Williams Please find response attached. Kind regards [1] This message has been scanned f...
Dear Mr Measures Please find attached response. Kind Regards [1] This message has been scanned f...
Dear Sir   Please find attached the reply to your recent request for Freedom of Information.   Thank you Yvette   Yvette Haines Custom...
Number of Ethnic Minority businesses on Supplier List
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to IQBAL PATEL on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Patel FOI request As requested, see attached creditor payments for financial year April 2009/March 2010 and from April 2010 to 30 November...
Personal Budgets Information System
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to simon masterson on .


Dear Mr Masterson I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the information you requested on 8 September 2010. Please find...
Agency Supply Teacher Usage
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Amanda Walker on .


Amanda Please find attached and below the information you requested under FOI Yvette Haines Customer Care Manager 01253 651952 ══════════════...
Management Structure for Social Services
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Sarah Segal on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Segal I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the information you requested on 2 February 2011. A copy of th...
Dear Mrs Taylor, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST As we have completed our search for the information you requested on 14 Oct...
Number of schools
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Julian Meston on .


With regard to your request for the number of schools in Blackpool, I have attached a document which lists the schools, broken down by Secondary, Pri...
As attached   Regards   Nicola Elvidge Customer Relations Team Blackpool Council   Blackpool: A fair place, where aspiration is encoura...
Care Packages
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Paul Taylforth on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Taylforth   Apologies if this was not received - it was sent on Monday – see attached.   Kind regards Nicola Elvidge Access to Recor...
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Melizza Moore on .


Ms Moore Please find below the information you requested under FOI. Thank you Yvette Yvette Haines Customer Care Manager 01253 6519...
Dear Ms Pogson I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the information you requested. A copy of the information is enclo...
Adult Social Care
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to Sophie Parr on .


Dear Ms Parr I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the information you requested on the 10th May 2011 The requested...
Dear Ms Sloan, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST We have completed our search for the information you requested on 12 April 20...