Child deaths

Allerdale Borough Council did not have the information requested.


I'm looking for as much information as possible concerning the deaths of children known to the authority's social services department.

If my questions could be better refined in order to achieve a disclosure that provides the information I'm asking for, I'd appreciate your guidance in that respect.

I'd like the responses to the following questions in an Excel spreadsheet, please.

1. How many children known to your social services department died between 1 January 2017 and August 1 2022? Please breakdown by year.

2. In each instance, please provide the following:

a. The child's age
b. The area the child was living in (i.e. town, rather than street)
c. An indication as to whether the child was subject to a Child Protection Plan
d. An indication as to whether the child was Looked After
e. An indication as to whether the child had been identified as a Child in Need and if so, on what basis (i.e. abuse, neglect, domestic violence, etc)
f. The cause of death
g. A link to, or disclosure of, details outlined in any reviews conducted into the death

If you need me to clarify any of the above, or you believe the questions should be refined or reframed to meet the terms of the FOI Act, please contact me as soon as possible.

Best wishes,

Joanna Morris

Freedom of Information (FOI), Allerdale Borough Council

Dear Ms Morris

Please refer your request to county councils.

Valerie Gray | Information Governance & Data Protection Officer
Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ
E: [email address] | W:

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