Child Arrangements Cases

The request was refused by Ministry of Justice.

Dear Ministry of Justice,

Please provide the following information:

!. The total number of child arrangements cases concluded for each year, separated by year, from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2019.
2. The outcome of those cases, separated by year, defined as residency in favour of mother or residency in favour of father.
3. The average case length from start to conclusion separated by each year.
4. The total number of applications for enforcement of a child arrangements order, separated by each year for the same 10 year period.
5. The total number of applications for enforcement that were enforced by the court, separated by year for the same 10 year period.

Ideally this information would be provided in table format, as follows

Years shown in rows,
column 1 = total cases for each year
column 2 = total residency in favour of mother for each year
column 3 = total residency in favour of father for each year
column 4 = Average case length for each year
column 5 = total applications for enforcement of a child arrangements order for each year
column 6 = total child arrangements order enforcement applications that resulted in the court enforcing the breached order

Yours faithfully,

Brian Hudson

Carmichael, David, Ministry of Justice

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Hudson


Please find a response to your recent enquiry of the Ministry of Justice



[1]Ministry of David Carmichael
Enquiries Officer

Court Statistics Enquiries, Analytical Services Enquiries

102 Petty France, Area 7.11, Westminster, London, SW1H 9AJ


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Dear Carmichael, David,

Thanks for coming back to me. Question 5 is aimed at establishing whether or not an application to enforce an order that has been breached resulted in enforcement. So keeping it as simple as possible, yes = enforced no = not enforced.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Hudson

Dear Carmichael, David,

What I mean in question 5 is illustrated as follows:

Total number of applications to enforce a breached order (so a C79 application) = 100
Total number of these applications that resulted in breached order being enforced by the court (i.e. the judge makes an order to enforce the breached order) = 50
Total number of those applications that resulted in the application being dismissed or an order being made that was not the same as the order that has been breached - 50

I hope that makes it clearer for you?

Yours sincerely,

Brian Hudson

Carmichael, David, Ministry of Justice

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Hudson


Please find a response to your recent enquiry of the Ministry of Justice



[1]Ministry of David Carmichael
Enquiries Officer

Court Statistics Enquiries, Analytical Services Enquiries

102 Petty France, Area 7.11, Westminster, London, SW1H 9AJ


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Dear Carmichael, David,

Thank you for your response. Please provide the information from 2011 onwards to the present date which aligns with the date you state you have centrally collated data to call on in order to meet the request.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Hudson

Carmichael, David, Ministry of Justice

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Hudson


Please find a response to your recent enquiries of the Ministry of Justice



[1]Ministry of David Carmichael
Enquiries Officer

Court Statistics Enquiries, Analytical Services Enquiries

102 Petty France, Area 7.11, Westminster, London, SW1H 9AJ


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