Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs - complaints (unlawful actions)

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Ministry of Justice should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Ministry of Justice,

Please provide how many complaints Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs has received in 2018 and 2019.

Please provide the time-scale for acknowledging the complaints and providing a response.

Please provide the date a complaint was received and how many were sent directly to the Insolvency & Companies Court Business & Property Courts of Englanf & Wales 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London,EC4A 1NL

Please also confirm how many cases he has reserved to himself and include those reserved having received complaints about the fraud & corruption and the unlawful actions occurring within The County Court and High Court's.

For example collusion between court and council staff/agents.

None of the insolvency rules or practice directions being followed.

Unlawful bankruptcy cases being held in the county court without the judge having jurisdiction to hear a contested creditor's bankruptcy petition.

Unlawful evictions when the council billing authorities appointed solicitors/ trustees manage to obtain a possession order on the back of an unlawful bankruptcy and obtain a High Court Writ of enforcement without correct procedures being followed or the writ being allocated to a High Court Enforcement Officer but to a company or companies instead, or without correct enforcement procedures being followed and using unidentified bailiffs / enforcement agents or officers who refuse to show a copy of an alleged High Court Writ backed up by the police, who do not know or choose to ignore the law, and High Court Writs of enforcement being incorrectly marked as coming out of the Central Office (QB) when they should marked as coming from the Chancery Chambers.

What procedure or policy is in place to ensure that Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs receives complaints.

Which court does he sit in, and who and how are cases allocated to be put before him directly or reserved to him as head of the service, to deal with the deception and corruption being carried out within the lower courts. When people are being attacked in their homes by unlicensed bailiffs/ enforcement agents/officers and violently evicted due to the Insolvency law, regulations and correct court procedures being ignored in favour of the council billing authority and the reason why government review has advised these 'enforcement bailiffs' must be regulated and no longer be protected by the courts or police or council's who basically use them as hired thugs to terrorise people and to steal their property and homes by any means possible including unlawfully.

Yours faithfully,

Deb Williams

LondonAndSouthEastKILO, Ministry of Justice

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Dear Ms Williams


Please see the attached acknowledgment for your request (our reference


Kind Regards,

Knowledge and Information Officer

Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | London and South East Regional
Support Unit | 3^rd Floor | First Avenue House | 42-49 High Holborn |
London | WC1V 6NP | DX160010 Kingsway 7 | | ü Please
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LondonKILO, Ministry of Justice

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Dear Ms Williams


Please see the attached response to your request (our reference 190509005)


Knowledge and Information Officer
Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | London and South East Regional
Support Unit | 3^rd Floor | First Avenue House | 42-49 High Holborn |
London | WC1V 6NP | DX160010 Kingsway 7 | | ü Please
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Dear LondonKILO,

Can you please check the accuracy of the information the Ministry of Justice have concerning complaints that have been sent to Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs as head of the service, because you say he has received no complaints when evidence confirms this is untrue.

Who is responsible for passing complaints onto Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs?

You also state that quote: ' it is not the role and responsibility of Chief ICC Judge Briggs to deal with complaints' are you saying his role has changed and that he no longer deals with complaints or has a duty to ensure that bankruptcy / insolvency work is carried out correctly and consistently by qualified judges.

The following link shows the Chief Registrar in Bankruptcy of the High Court job description that says:

Vii. Meeting and Corresponding with District Judges and all others dealing with insolvency matters in the county courts.

Viii. Responding to complaints.

ix. Drafting and issuing Practice Statements to ensure consistent practice in insolvency and Companies Act proceedings.

Yours sincerely,

Deb Williams

LondonKILO, Ministry of Justice

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LondonKILO, Ministry of Justice

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Dear Ms. Williams


Please see attached acknowledgement for your FOI request (our reference –


Kind Regards,


Knowledge and Information  Liaison Officer


Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | London Regional Support Unit |
3^rd Floor | First Avenue House | 42-49 High Holborn | London | WC1V 6NP |
DX160010 Kingsway 7 | | Please consider the environment
before printing.


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Deb Williams left an annotation ()

Rogue bailiffs and police who do not know or uphold the law and are acting lawlessly outside of their remit and office are to be treated as intruders !

CPS Self-Defence and the Prevention of Crime

Section 76 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008

The law on self defence arises both under the common law defence of self-defence and the defences provided by section 3(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 (use of force in the prevention of crime or making arrest). It has recently been clarified by section 76 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.

Subsection (5A) allows householders to use disproportionate force when defending themselves against intruders into the home.

In deciding whether the force might be regarded as 'disproportionate' or 'grossly disproportionate' the court will need to consider the individual facts in each case, including the personal circumstances of the householder and the threat (real or perceived) posed by the offender.

LondonKILO, Ministry of Justice

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Dear Ms Williams


Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.


Kind Regards,

Knowledge and Information Liaison Officer


Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | London Regional Support Unit |
3^rd Floor | First Avenue House | 42-49 High Holborn | London | WC1V 6NP |
DX160010 Kingsway 7 | |ü Please consider the environment
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Dear LondonKILO,

Are the MOJ of justice saying that no one has the right to make a complaint to the Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs as head of the service who clearly meets and corresponds with District Judges and all others dealing with insolvency matters in the county courts?

What happens to the complaints that have been sent for his attention are they not recorded or are they being ignored and binned by staff?

The JCIO relates to judicial office holders not the conduct of office staff within the court hearing centres that accept bankruptcy petitions etc.

Yours sincerely,

Deb Williams

LondonKILO, Ministry of Justice

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that your request has been received. We endeavour to provide a response to
all emails as soon as possible within 5 working days unless marked urgent

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Dear Ministry of Justice,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Justice's handling of my FOI request 'Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs - complaints (unlawful actions)'.

Evidence confirms that multiple complaints may not be reaching Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs as head of the service over-seeing bankruptcy/insolvency matters and complaints within the courts to ensure consistent practice. These complaints are either being ignored and or not recorded as complaints or cases are being deliberately moved to the lower county courts using various means without the consent of the applicant who wishes to bring wrong-doing to his attention, including transferring cases from the High Court District Registry down to the county court and then passing the case onto the Central London County Court who add a very dubious case number, so that complex fraud and other serious matters are not brought to light or to his attention and without any due process of law or appearance of transparency.

It is virtually impossible to bring a case for complex fraud and multiple human rights abuse before Chief ICC Judge Briggs without the interference of judges/staff from either the District Registeries or County Court transfering it against the wishes of the applicant, who wishes to annul a bankruptcy for undue influence and outright corruption and provable fraud.

There must be a method of recording complaints to Chief ICC Judge Briggs and stopping those that are preventing complaints and cases with complex fraud, human rights abuses and undue influence from reaching him and the Chancery Division of the High Court, especially when applicants made unlawfully bankrupt (as if they had agreed to be made bankrupt when they have not and trickery & deception are at play) have filed applications into the High Court and requested that their case be placed and/ or transferred and reserved for his attention and multiple complaints have been filed and asked to be passed onto him for his express attention.

Or is it true that the Chancery Division of the High Court are refusing to take these applications and returning them to the court that sent the case and simply ignoring the complaints. Either way these cases are prevented from ever reaching Chief Judge Briggs and justice prevented is justice denied.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Deb Williams

Deb Williams left an annotation ()

Evidence confirms that multiple complaints may not be reaching Chief ICC Judge Nicholas Briggs as head of the service over-seeing bankruptcy/insolvency matters and complaints within the courts to ensure consistent practice. These complaints are either being ignored and or not recorded as complaints or cases are being deliberately moved to the lower county courts using various means without the consent of the applicant who wishes to bring wrong-doing to his attention, including transferring cases from the High Court District Registry down to the county court and then passing the case onto the Central London County Court who add a very dubious case number, so that complex fraud and other serious matters are not brought to light or to his attention and without any due process of law or appearance of transparency.

It is virtually impossible to bring a case for complex fraud and multiple human rights abuse before Chief ICC Judge Briggs without the interference of judges/staff from either the District Registeries or County Court transfering it against the wishes of the applicant, who wishes to annul a bankruptcy for undue influence and outright corruption and provable fraud.

There must be a method of recording complaints to Chief ICC Judge Briggs and stopping those that are preventing complaints and cases with complex fraud, human rights abuses and undue influence from reaching him and the Chancery Division of the High Court, especially when applicants made unlawfully bankrupt (as if they had agreed to be made bankrupt when they have not and trickery & deception are at play) have filed applications into the High Court and requested that their case be placed and/ or transferred and reserved for his attention and multiple complaints have been filed and asked to be passed onto him for his express attention.

Or is it true that the Chancery Division of the High Court are refusing to take these applications and returning them to the court that sent the case and simply ignoring the complaints.

Either way these cases are prevented from ever reaching Chief Judge Briggs and justice prevented is justice denied.

South East KILO, Ministry of Justice

1 Attachment



Good afternoon


Please see attached acknowledgment to your recent Internal Review request


Kind Regards,

Knowledge and Information Officer

Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | South East Regional Support Unit

Milton Keynes Magistrates Court, 301 Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes MK9 2AJ

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Stop Corruption UK LLP left an annotation ()

The Chancery High Court needs to be closed down, the majority of its judges are dishonest and corrupt. It is proven that they are assisting criminals, insolvency practitioners and purported lawyers in using insolvency as a tool to defraud people of their assets. Often the courts are used as "cash cows" whereby the fake judges deliberately evade the facts , the statements, the evidence and the applicable rules of law to assist other members of the criminal fraternity in using the courts as the means of achieving injustice , often allowing criminals and their assistant lawyers to make further disproportionately inflated gains founded by fraud of one form of the other.

South East KILO, Ministry of Justice

1 Attachment


Good afternoon


Please see attached response to your recent internal review request


Kind Regards,

Knowledge and Information Officer

Knowledge and Information Liaison Unit | South East Regional Support Unit

Milton Keynes Magistrates Court, 301 Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes MK9 2AJ

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