Chief Constables expenses
Dear Norfolk Police Authority,
In the financial year 2008 - 2009, putting aside pay and pension contributions, what other costs were incurred by tbe Chief Constable?
These 'costs' would include the following;
Provision of vehicle
Salary of driver, staff officer, personal assistant, secretary, other staff office roles
Subsistence expenses
Any other expenses incurred on corporate credit cards
All ancillary claims ie school fees, etc
Yours faithfully,
John Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Further to your Freedom of Information request below, having reviewed the request, Norfolk Police Authority may hold some of the information you require, but some of the information may be held by Norfolk Constabulary instead. I would be most grateful if you could clarify how you would wish me to progress with your request?
Once I have received your clarification, I can progress the request accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Claire Buckley
Freedom of Information Officer
Norfolk Police Authority
Direct Tel: 01953 424454
Direct Fax: 01953 424462
Chief Executive's Office
Building 8
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
Think… is it really necessary to print this email?
Dear OCC - Police Authority,
Thank you for your prompt response. Please provide that information which you hold, I will then approach the constabulary and ask them to fill the gaps.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Many thanks for the clarification. I will now progress your request and a response will be with you within the 20 working day timeframe.
Yours sincerely
Claire Buckley
Office Manager
Norfolk Police Authority
Direct Tel: 01953 424454
Direct Fax: 01953 424462
Chief Executive's Office
Building 8
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
Think… is it really necessary to print this email?
Dear Mr Smith
Further to your Freedom of Information request below, please find attached the response from Norfolk Police Authority.
Yours sincerely
Claire Buckley
Freedom of Information Officer
Norfolk Police Authority
Direct Tel: 01953 424454
Direct Fax: 01953 424462
Chief Executive's Office
Building 8
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
Think… is it really necessary to print this email?
Dear OCC - Police Authority,
Gosh, quite a package.
Thanks for the information.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
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