Cheshire East Local Development Framework (Local Plan)
Dear Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council,
This is a freedom of information request relating to the drafting of the “Local Development Framework” for the neighbouring Unitary Authority of Cheshire East.
Please provide the following information.
1) What if any formal notifications have been provided by Cheshire East?
2) What formal meetings, correspondence or consultations have been entered into with Cheshire East?
3) What informal meetings, discussions or consultations have been entered into with Cheshire East?
4) What responses / comments have been made to Cheshire East?
Yours faithfully,
Mr Stuart Redgard
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information submitted under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 which has been given the above mentioned reference
number. Please quote this on any correspondence regarding your request.
Stockport Council will respond to your request within 20 working days from
the date of receipt. If there will be a charge for disbursements e.g.
photocopying in order to provide the information, we will inform you as
soon as possible to see if you wish to proceed; however such charges are
usually waived if they amount to less than £10.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Oldfield
Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA Coordinator
Stockport Council
Town Hall
Tel: 0161 474 4048
Fax: 0161 474 4006
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Confidentiality: This email, its contents and any attachments are intended
only for the above named. As the email may contain confidential or legally
privileged information, if you are not, or suspect that you are not, the
above named or the person responsible for delivery of the message to the
above named, please delete or destroy the email and any attachments
immediately and inform the sender of the error.
Dear Mr Redgard,
I am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI 6926).
The relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information
and our response is as follows/attached.
1) Stockport Council were formally notified of the consultation by
Cheshire East on their Local Plan: Development Strategy and Policy
Principles by email on 14^th January 2013. See first attachment titled
‘Cheshire East Council Local Plan: Development Strategy and Policy
Principles Consultations’.
2), 3) and 4)
· On 25^th January 2013 an email was sent from Richard Wood
(Stockport Council) to Adrian Fisher (Cheshire East) requesting that
officers from Cheshire East come and talk through the consultation
documents with key officers at Stockport (see second attachment titled
‘Your current consultations’). This request was agreed to but it did not
prove possible to arrange a meeting in the immediate term.
· At a meeting regarding other, unrelated matters on 27^th
February 2013, Paul Lawrence (Service Director, Place Development) took
the opportunity to iterate that Stockport Council has a number of concerns
with Cheshire East’s emerging Local Plan; these were set out in an email
the following day and were in the context of the discussion referred to
above having not yet taken place.
· That discussion was subsequently arranged for 4^th March and
included representatives of Cheshire East, Stockport and AGMA. The third
attachment (titled ‘Re: CEC Local Plan’) details the concerns set out by
Paul Lawrence as well as a response to those comments by Adrian Fisher
provided in advance of the meeting and an acknowledgement of that response
by Richard Wood.
· The meeting of 4^th March took place involving Richard Wood,
Adrian Fisher, Stuart Penny (also Cheshire East Council), Anne Morgan
(AGMA Planning and Housing Team) and Chris Findley (Salford City Council,
planning lead officer for AGMA). Cheshire East officers undertook to
prepare a note of that meeting but this has not yet been circulated.
Stockport Council will make the note public when it is available as it is
considered to be an important part of evidencing meeting the statutory
Duty to Co-operate.
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request for
information, you are entitled to ask for an internal review; however you
must do so within 40 working days of the date of this response. Any
internal review will be carried out by a senior member of staff who was
not involved with your original request. To ask for an internal review,
contact [1][email address] in the first instance.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of any internal review, you are
entitled to complain to the Information Commissioner. To do so, contact:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
01625 545 745
Yours sincerely,
Simon Oldfield
Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA Coordinator
Stockport Council
Town Hall
Tel: 0161 474 4048
Fax: 0161 474 4006
Need further information? See our Information Management [4]FAQs
Confidentiality: This email, its contents and any attachments are
intended only for the above named. As the email may contain confidential
or legally privileged information, if you are not, or suspect that you are
not, the above named or the person responsible for delivery of the message
to the above named, please delete or destroy the email and any attachments
immediately and inform the sender of the error.
From: Simon Oldfield On Behalf Of FOI Officer
Sent: 15 March 2013 14:07
To: 'Stuart redgard'
Cc: FOI Officer
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Cheshire East Local
Development Framework (Local Plan) - FOI 6926 - Acknowledgement
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information submitted under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 which has been given the above mentioned reference
number. Please quote this on any correspondence regarding your request.
Stockport Council will respond to your request within 20 working days from
the date of receipt. If there will be a charge for disbursements e.g.
photocopying in order to provide the information, we will inform you as
soon as possible to see if you wish to proceed; however such charges are
usually waived if they amount to less than £10.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Oldfield
Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA Coordinator
Stockport Council
Town Hall
Tel: 0161 474 4048
Fax: 0161 474 4006
Need further information? See our Information Management FAQs
Confidentiality: This email, its contents and any attachments are intended
only for the above named. As the email may contain confidential or legally
privileged information, if you are not, or suspect that you are not, the
above named or the person responsible for delivery of the message to the
above named, please delete or destroy the email and any attachments
immediately and inform the sender of the error.
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