Cheque book schools

The request was successful.

Dear Shropshire Council,

Please can you send me a list of all the secondary maintained cheque book schools in your region.

(The definition of a cheque book school; is a school that has direct access and control of its own bank account.)

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Dickinson

FOI, Shropshire Council

Dear Mr Dickinson


Thank you for your request for information received on 13/10/2017.  We are
currently processing your request in accordance with the relevant


You have requested details about cheque book schools


(Please note this may be a summary of your request and full details, as
outlined in the request, will be sent to the team providing the response.)


If you feel the information is inaccurate or requires amendment, please
notify us as soon as possible using the contact details provided below. 


Yours sincerely


Information Governance Team

Shropshire Council


Abbey Foregate




Tel:                  01743 252179 / 252774 / 252747

Email:             [Shropshire Council request email]

Web:               [1]




Visible links

James Walton, Shropshire Council

Dear Mr Dickinson


Further to your FOI request, I can confirm that Shropshire Council does
not have any secondary maintained cheque book schools.


James Walton

Head of Finance, Governance and Assurance (Section 151 Officer)


Finance, Governance and Assurance

Shropshire Council


Abbey Foregate




Tel:          01743 25 8915

Mobile:   07458 11 7556

Email:      [1][email address]

Web        [2]



Chief Financial Officer (Section 151 Officer): Shropshire Council

Pension Scheme Administrator: Shropshire County Pension Fund

Treasurer: Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority

Treasurer: West Mercia Energy

Treasurer: Marches LEP
