Chemistry, PPE and Medicine admissions

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Christ Church, Oxford should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Christ Church, Oxford,
I am writing to request under the Freedom of Information act, information regarding admissions for undergraduate Chemistry (F100), Medicine (A100) and PPE (L0V0) at Christ Church. Please let me know, where applicable for the courses, separated by year for all years from 2019 entry:

1) the number of applicants, shortlisted and offers made for each course, with "offers" being separated into offers at christ church, and offers from a different college

2) the way that interviews are scored for each course

3) where applicable, the way that an overall interview score is formed (i.e. if there are 2 chemistry interviews, is the average of the 2 taken as an overall score?)

4) the average interview score(s) for each subject, for all shortlisted applicants and for all applicants made an offer

Yours faithfully,

Jason Hall