Charter information - refunds, complaints
Dear Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive, lists how much was paid out in refunds from 2010 to 2014.
Please provide figures up to current date.
In addition... currently states that "In the four week period between 04 January 2015 and 31 January 2015 we received 1326 complaints and 11 contacts of praise."
Please provide the number of complaints/contacts of praise for all previous periods.
with the complaints received broken down in the format currently used on the website.
Safety and security - 14
Train service performance - 1133
Ticket machine faults - 56
Staff conduct/availability - 51
Trackside quality - 1
Station quality - 5
Information at station/on Metrocars - 14
Other - 52
and finally, with having experience my e-mail responses taken 28+ days to be answered when they should take less than a week ("We aim to answer 95% of all formal complaints received by letter or Customer Response Form within ten working days and emails within five working days.", please provide statistics for all periods on this performance !
Any digital format would be sufficient.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir,
Your e-mail has been forwarded to me as the person within Nexus responsible for responding to FOI requests received. I shall undertake internal enquiries and respond to you within the statutory timescales.
Yours Faithfully
Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services
Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180
Dear Sir,
I refer to our previous e-mail exchange and attach spreadsheets in relation to refund figures, complaint figures and response times as requested.
Yours Faithfully
Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services
Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180
Many thanks for the response, however the information received appears to be inaccurate.
according to website : is stating "In the four week period between 04 January 2015 and 31 January 2015 we received 1326 complaints and 11 contacts of praise."
yet the information received stated 1336 complaints
I therefore request that Mr. Whittle reviews the figures and arrange for corrections either to his documents or to the website.
The 'complaints' documents are only providing the figures for the past 11 periods - I wish for the earlier periods (from 2010 onwards ) to be also made available !
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sir,
I refer to your e-mail and now enclose the information requested.
Yours Faithfully
Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services
Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180
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