Charity Trustees

The request was successful.

Dear Flintshire Council,

Please provide a list of all charities in Flintshire CC of
which FCC is a Trustee.
Confirm which of these Charities are currently non compliant with
Charity Commission for lack of filing?
List of Charitable organisations that have Council Members
appointed as either Trustees or Directors.

Yours faithfully,

Jane Jordon

Yours faithfully,

Jane Jordon

Flintshire County Council

Dear Ms Jordon

Thank you for your request for information about charities which is

Your request has been forwarded to the Freedom of Information Act Contact
Officer for the Chief Executive's Directorate to process and this Officer
will be in contact with you.

Yours sincerely

Ashlea Moore
Freedom of Information Contact Officer


Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this

message that do not relate to the official business of

Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither

given nor endorsed by it or on its behalf, and consequently

Flintshire County Council shall bear no responsibility

whatsoever in respect thereof.

Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na

chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,

nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol

Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo

nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn

unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.


Flintshire County Council

Dear Ms Jordon,

Thank you for you recent request dated 11th November 2013 regarding
charities. Please find the answers to your questions below.

Please provide a list of all charities in Flintshire CC of which FCC is a

o FCC is a trustee and administrator of the Welsh Church Acts Fund,
which is a tripartite scheme together with Wrexham & Denbighshire
Councils. Charitable trust no. 504476

o Optec Youth Exchange. Charitable trust no. 1004100

o St Margaret's Cemetery. Charitable trust no. 1045632

Confirm which of these Charities are currently non compliant with Charity
Commission for lack of filing?

All charities are fully compliant.

List of Charitable organisations that have Council Members appointed as
either Trustees or Directors.

Optec Youth Exchange - Cllr Carol Ellis from Buckley is a trustee.

Further information may be found on the [1]Charity Commission's website.

If you are unhappy with any aspects of this response, please refer to the
Flintshire County Council, Freedom of Information Complaints Procedure

Yours sincerely,

Ashlea Moore
Freedom Of Information Contact Officer,
Legal and Democratic Services

The contents of this communication and any enclosed documents may be
subject to copyright protection. It has been sent to you for your
information and you may use it for any non-commercial research you may be
doing or undertaking. Its contents can also be used for the purposes of
news reporting. Any other re-use, for example, commercial publication or
publication on a website, requires the permission of this Council. If you
wish to re-use this information please contact us, letting us know how you
wish to re-use it and what the intended audience will be so that we can
consider your request. This information should be sent to: The Records
Manager, Flintshire County Council, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire CH7 6NB,
or [email address]

Freedom of Information Act: Complaints Procedure

This procedure is exclusively for dealing with complaints in relation to
the operation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) within the Council.

Where you are dissatisfied with the way that any request for information
has been dealt with and you have been unable to obtain satisfaction
through discussion with the Officer dealing with the matter then you are
encouraged to use this procedure.

1. Your complaint should be made in writing addressed to the Information
Act Complaints Officer, Legal and Democratic Services Department, County
Hall, Mold or by e-mail to [2][Flintshire Council request email] giving full details of
the complaint. The complaint should be made within 2 months of receipt of
the original response.

2. A written acknowledgement will be sent and the complaint referred to a
Directorate Information Act Complaints Officer to investigate and review
the original response to your request and respond in writing within 14
working days. This person should not have been involved in the processing
of your original application which is the subject of your complaint and
will be a Senior Officer.

3. Where your complaint is a complex one (for example involving the
applicability of a qualified exemption) it may not be possible to deal
with it within the above timescales. In such a situation a progress report
will be sent within the above timescales.

4. If you remain dissatisfied after the above procedure you may wish to
make an application to the Information Commissioner under Section 50 of
the Freedom of Information Act that the Council has not dealt with your
request for information properly. The Information Commissioner’s office is
at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF


Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this

message that do not relate to the official business of

Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither

given nor endorsed by it or on its behalf, and consequently

Flintshire County Council shall bear no responsibility

whatsoever in respect thereof.

Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na

chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,

nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol

Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo

nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn

unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.



Visible links
2. mailto:[Flintshire Council request email]