Charity Commission NI Review 2016

The request was refused by Department for Communities (Northern Ireland).

Dear Department for Communities (Northern Ireland),

FOI Request

Please provide a copy of the report or outcome of the Charity Commission NI review 2016 as instituted by then Minister Girvan. Please include departmental correspondence on set up, composition, terms of reference, external advice received, draft report and final report including recommendations

I await hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

G M Hyland

O'Hara, Damian, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI Acknowledgement DFC 2017 0263 Review of Charity Commission NI.DOCX.docx

    211K Download View as HTML

Please find attached an acknowledgement of your recent Freedom of
Information request.




Damian O'Hara| Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Ground Floor | Lighthouse Building | 1 Cromac Place |Gasworks Business
Park | Ormeau Road |BELFAST | BT7 2JB

Contact: * damian.o'[email address] | ( Tel: (028) 90 829137
| ( DD: 38137




Scott, Arthur, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

8 Attachments

Dear Mr Hyland,


Please find the attached response to your FOI Request of 9 October 2017-
Charity Commission NI Review 2016.


Yours sincerely,


Arthur Scott



Arthur Scott  |  Director of Voluntary and Community Division  | 
Department for Communities

Level 3  |  Lighthouse Building  |  Gasworks Business Park  |  Belfast  |
 BT7 2JB

Contact:  * Email: [1][email address]  |  ( Tel: 028
9082 9357  |  ( Ext: 38357



Dear Department for Communities (Northern Ireland),

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)'s handling of my FOI request 'Charity Commission NI Review 2016'.

I do not accept that the redactions and withheld documents are properly withheld in accordance with the relevant legislative provisions or at all.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

G M Hyland

O'Hara, Damian, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI Internal Review DFCIR2017 0025 Acknowledgement Review of CCNI.DOCX.docx

    207K Download View as HTML

Please find attached an acknowledgement of your request for an Internal


Damian O'Hara| Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Ground Floor | Lighthouse Building | 1 Cromac Place |Gasworks Business
Park | Ormeau Road |BELFAST | BT7 2JB

Contact: * damian.o'[email address] | ( Tel: (028) 90 829137
| ( DD: 38137


show quoted sections

Dear O'Hara, Damian,

Please update on the internal review request and provide an indication of when a response will be received

Yours sincerely,

G M Hyland

O'Hara, Damian, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

Mr Hyland,


I have consulted with the Reviewing Officer who has indicated that he
hopes to have his response with you by the end of this week or early next


Please accept my apology for the delay in responding.




Damian O'Hara| Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Ground Floor | Lighthouse Building | 1 Cromac Place |Gasworks Business
Park | Ormeau Road |BELFAST | BT7 2JB

Contact: * damian.o'[email address] | ( Tel: (028) 90 829137
| ( DD: 38137



show quoted sections

DfC FOI, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr/Mrs Hyland,


Please find attached response to your request for an Internal Review.

May I apologise for the slight delay in providing this response and any
inconvenience caused.








Adrian Boyce | Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Ground Level | Lighthouse Building | 1 Cromac Place | Belfast | BT7 2JB