Channel Program/PREVENT
Dear Barton Court Grammar School,
1) How many children from your school have been referred to the
Channel Program, PREVENT?
2) Have any teachers or staff spoken out about the Channel Program
or PREVENT publicly?
Yours faithfully,
Katharine Huggins
Dear Katharine
Information below. Many thanks
1) How many children from your school have been referred to the
Channel Program, PREVENT? None
2) Have any teachers or staff spoken out about the Channel Program
or PREVENT publicly? None
Yours faithfully,
Katharine Huggins
Mr R L Morgan
Deputy Headteacher
Barton Court Grammar School
01227 464600
Barton Court Grammar School Academy: A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England - Company Number: 07711925
Registered Office: Barton Court Grammar School, Longport, Canterbury,
Kent, CT1 1PH.
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