Changes to day services for adults with a learning disability

The request was successful.

Dear Central Bedfordshire Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I kindly request the following information in relation to day services for adults with a learning disability in your local authority:

1) How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were known to social services in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12?

2) How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability attended day activities in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12:

i. 5 days a week or more
ii. 4 days a week
iii. 3 days a week
iv. 2 days a week
v. 1 day a week
vi. 0 days a week?

3) How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability attended the following type of day activities in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12:

i. day centres
ii. employment
iii. education
iv. voluntary work
v. other activities?

4) How many a) day centre places and b) equivalent day service places for adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were funded by the local authority in the following financial years:

i. 2009/10
ii. 2010/11
iii. 2011/12;

and how many do you expect will be funded in iv. 2012/13?

5) How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability who attended day activities in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12 lived:

i. in the family home
ii. in their own home
iii. in supported accommodation
iv. in residential accommodation?

6) If there have been day service closures within the local authority, have any alternative services been put in place for those who attended the day centre; i.e. new learning disability-specific community activities or transport to/from suitable existing day activities?

7) If there have been day service closures within the local authority, were consultations held, and if so, what were the consultation periods? Please provide full details (excluding personal/confidential data) of all consultation responses and the resulting statement from the council.

8) Have charges for any of the following services increased since 1st April 2009:

i. day centre attendance
ii. transport to and from day activities
iii. any related activities;

and if so by how much?

Yours faithfully,

Jo Davies

FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

Dear Ms Davies

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request received 24 January 2012.

We will deal with your request within 20 working days, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case I will let you know. A fees notice will be sent to you and you will be required to pay before we proceed with your request.

If you have any questions about the contents of this email, please do not hesitate to contact the access to information email address quoting reference 690 2011-12 in any future communications.

Yours sincerely,

Abigail Fowkes
Customer Relations & Information Officer
Corporate Services (People and Organisation)
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ

Telephone 0300 300 4995
Email [email address]

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FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

Dear Ms Davies

Unfortunately it is taking longer than expected to deal with your request and we are unable to respond to you by today. I am sorry that we haven't replied in time but please be assured that we wish to make sure the request is completed thoroughly.

We hope that we can send a response to you by 6th March 2012.

Yours sincerely

Abigail Fowkes
Customer Relations & Information Officer
Corporate Services (People and Organisation)
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ

Telephone 0300 300 4995
Email [email address]

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FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

Dear Ms Davies

I regret to inform you that we will need a further extension to your Freedom of Information Request.

This is to enable us to make sure that all the information we provide to you is accurate.

Please accept my apologies and let me again reassure you this extra time is to allow us to comply with your request as thoroughly as possible.

We will respond to you by 13th March 2012.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Abigail Fowkes
Customer Relations & Information Officer
Corporate Services (People and Organisation)
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ

Telephone 0300 300 4995
Email [email address]

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FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

Dear Ms Davies

I am sorry but we are still not in a position to respond to your Freedom of Information Request.

I have asked if we can provide a partial response to your questions with the information that has been collated already.

If this is possible I will send you a partial response as soon as I have the information.

If not I am hoping to be able to respond to your request by 27th March.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this continued delay.

Yours sincerely

Abigail Fowkes
Customer Relations & Information Officer
Customer Services
People and Organisation
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ

Telephone 0300 300 4995
Email [email address]

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FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

Dear Ms Davies

I am sorry but I regret to inform you there will be a further delay of 10 working days regarding this request.

I am waiting for the Adult Social Care information to be confirmed and also some information from Children's Services as they hold the education information.

I hope to respond to your request by 10th April 2012.

Thank you so much for your continued patients

Yours sincerely

Abigail Fowkes
Customer Relations & Information Officer
Customer Services
People and Organisation
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ

Telephone 0300 300 4995
Email [email address]

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FOI and Data Protection Request, Central Bedfordshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Jo Davies

Please find attached Central Bedfordshire Council's response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Yours sincerely

Rebecca Garner

Temporary Customer Relations & Information Officer

People & Organisation

Chief Executive

Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ

Direct dial: 0300 300 4625 Internal: 74625


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