Changes due to Health and Social Care Act

The request was partially successful.

Dear Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT),

Please supply all information you hold in relation to the following matters under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000,within the timescales established by that legislation:

- A list of any transfer of undertaking or change in provision of NHS services in Dorset since July 2010, including commissioning of health provision.

- All information, including correspondence, relating to curren proposals for any NHS service to be offered out to any qualified provider, where the NHS itself is currently the provider, including commissioning.

- How much has been spent on redundancies since July 2010 in Dorset PCT’s/including Bournemouth and Poole.

- How much has been spent from budgets held by the NHS from July 2010 up to May 1st 2012 in preparation and implementation of the reforms contained in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 in Dorset.

- An up-to-date list of all private healthcare
providers/commissioners that NHS staff, including GPs, directly involved in the CCG team have registered any interest in at any time.

- A figure stating how much of the £20 bn savings Dorset has been asked to find and documentation relating to how this is being carried out.

Yours faithfully,

shelley wilson

FOI Requests (NHS Bournemouth and Poole),

1 Attachment



Dianne Poulton

Pan Dorset Freedom of Information Team

[email address]


Information Governance Administrator

NHS Bournemouth and Poole/NHS Dorset

Canford House

Discovery Court Business Centre

551-553 Wallisdown Road


01202 541573


FOI Requests (NHS Bournemouth and Poole),

1 Attachment






We would be very grateful for any comments you would like to make about
way your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 was treated.


Please delete the statement which does not apply and add any other


│I am satisfied with the way my request was dealt with │
│ │
│  │


│I am NOT satisfied with the way my request was dealt with because │
│ │
│  │


Provision of feedback is entirely voluntary and your decision not to
provide any will in no way affect your relationship with us now or in the


All the information you provide will be treated in the strictest of
confidence and will only be handled by the Information Governance Office. 
The information will be anonymised immediately upon receipt and your
personal details deleted.


Any information you can provide will enable us to better monitor and
improve the service.



Dianne Poulton

Pan Dorset Freedom of Information Team

[email address]


Information Governance Administrator

NHS Bournemouth and Poole/NHS Dorset

Canford House

Discovery Court Business Centre

551-553 Wallisdown Road


01202 541573