CEO name please
Dear Office of Government Commerce,
What is the name of the CEO of The United Kingdom Corporation Ltd? Is it Gordon Brown or Elizabeth Alexandra Mary [Windsor]?
If you are unable to answer this question, please would you tell me who is?
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
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Dear Nova
Thank you for your enquiry to the OGC Service Desk.
Unfortunately we are unable to assist with your enquiry. I can confirm
that we do not hold the information you have requested about the UNITED
KINGDOM CORPORATION Ltd. I would advise that OGC is not the appropriate
Public Authority to answer these questions and I would suggest that you
contact Companies House - an Executive Agency of the Department of
Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, which may be able to answer
some of your questions.
The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) is an independent office of HM
Treasury, established to help Government deliver best value from its
spending. The OGC works with central Government departments and other
public sector organisations to ensure the achievement of six key goals.
OGC provides policy standards and guidance on best practice in
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better public services; and it provides innovative ways to develop
Government's commercial and procurement capability, including leadership
of the Government Procurement Service.
I hope that the information provided is of use to you. Please do not
hesitate to contact the Service Desk again if you have any further
Kind Regards,
Sarah Morris
Service Desk Agent
Marketing and Communications
OGC Rosebery Court
St Andrews Business Park
Norwich NR7 0HS
For all Service Desk Enquiries:
Tel: 0845 000 4999 / GTN: 3040 4999
email: [OGC request email]
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Dear Morris, Sarah,
Thank you for your reply.
However as this request is about GOVERNMENT and COMMERCE I disagree that you are not the appropriate place to ask this FOI request.
Therefore I shall RE-ASK my ORIGINAL QUESTION in the futile hope that you may answer me. If you pretend not to recognise the UKC Ltd, I have included a link to the D&B entry for your consideration, and that of anyone else reading these public requests.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Nova
Thank you for your email.
I can only reiterate that the OGC is unfortunately unable to assist with
this matter, we do not hold the information you require.
Please find a link below to Companies House website, they may be in a
position to assist with your enquiry.
As we have answered your request in full, we will not enter into any
further correspondence on this matter.
Kind Regards,
Sarah Morris
Service Desk Agent
Marketing and Communications
OGC Rosebery Court
St Andrews Business Park
Norwich NR7 0HS
For all Service Desk Enquiries:
Tel: 0845 000 4999 / GTN: 3040 4999
email: [OGC request email]
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Mr Jon Smith left an annotation ()
Oh here we go again...
Nobody is ever going to be able to answer this question as there is no such entity as 'The United Kingdom Corporation Ltd'.
Limited companies are created under the provisions of the Companies ACT 1985 (one of those things your ilk seem to despise so much as it is not a LAW by your definition).
I am fed up with people bringing the FOI Act and this website into disrepute by these ridiculous, meaningless and purposeless requests.
Someone please stop them!