CEM Slough 2021 Standardised Results
Dear University of Cambridge,
Could you please provide following information in MS excel format for all candidates who appeared for CEM 11+ grammar school test for the Slough consortium in Sep 2021 ?
1. Birth month & year
2. Standardized results per section (VR, Maths & NVR)
3. Final standardized result
Yours faithfully,
Rakesh B
Dear Mr Bamane
Freedom of Information Request
I acknowledge receipt of your email received 19.10.21 requesting
information from Cambridge University.
Please be advised that the University will respond as soon as possible and
within 20 working days.
Yours sincerely
CEM Information Access Team
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Dear Mr Bamane
I write further to your request to release information under Freedom of
Information Act 2000 dated 17 October 2021
In your request for you asked for:
Q. Standardised scores for Slough
A. I attach a spreadsheet of anonymised standardised scores.
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Yours sincerely,
CEM Information Access Team
A brighter future
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Dear FOI Requests,
Thanks a lot for providing this information. Really Appreciate it.
Yours sincerely,
Rakesh Bamane
Dear Sir/Madam. I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
If your e-mail is concerned with a freedom of information request to
Cambridge University, please be advised that the University will respond
as soon as possible and within 20 working days.
If your e-mail is concerned with a data subject access request under
article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we will
respond within one month unless there are grounds to extend the deadline
for response.
Yours sincerely
CEM Information Access Team
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