Post Offic e Limited - Document Classification: PUBLIC
Brent Jay
1 October 2024
Post Office
100 Wood Street
London EC2V 9ER
Your Ref:
Dear Brent Jay,
Freedom of Information Request – FOI2024/01258
We are writing in response to your email received by Post Office Limited (“
Office”) on 10 September, which has been dealt with under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“
In your email you have requested the information shown verbatim in bold below:
Please can you provide any communications (emails, letters, etc) internal &
external that you have copies off, relating to (or sent to) Camp Hil post office
between 01/01/2015 & 01/01/2016?
Camp Hill Post Office
Number 41
unit 6b Beechwood Road
CV10 9DN
FAD code 262205”
We are aware that this is your third information request about the same topic.
Unfortunately, as highlighted in our responses to your two previous information
requests, your current information request is still very broad and covers a wide
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Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 2154540.
Registered Office 100 Wood Street, London WC2V 7ER
Post Office and the Post Office logo are registered trade marks of Post Office Limited.
Post Offic e Limited - Document Classification: PUBLIC
breadth of information. Gathering it together would therefore involve a significant
cost and diversion of resources from the organisation's other work.
Further to your previous two requests, we have conducted additional electronic
searches of our records to try and locate the data that you have requested. As
explained previously, our ability to carry out meaningful electronic searches is still
impacted by there being multiple different Post Office branches named “Camp Hill”.
We searched for “Camp Hill Nuneaton”, or “Camp Hill Beechwood”, or “Number 41
Unit 6b Beechwood Road Nuneaton CV10 9DN”, or “Camp Hill and Beechwood and
Nuneaton”, or “Camp Hill and Beechwood”, or “Nuneaton AND 262205” between 1
January 2015 and 1 January 2016.
Our searches indicate that the number of entries or files that would need to be
manually reviewed in order to retrieve and collate the data, would still be over a
hundred thousand documents, emails, or entries. Given the volume of hits from these
searches, we have not carried out a calculation for the amount of time this would
Section 12(1) of the FOIA allows Post Office to refuse a request for information if we
estimate that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate
fees limit, which currently stands at £450. This represents the estimated cost of one
person spending 18 hours in determining whether we hold the information, and in
locating, retrieving and extracting the information. On the basis of our estimates, we
consider that the cost would far exceed this limit and, as such, we are refusing your
Section 12(2) provides that we are not required to confirm whether Post Office holds
the information requested if by doing so we would exceed the appropriate cost limit
of £450. This is the case for the information that you have requested, and so please
note that this response should not be taken as confirmation that the information is
held by Post Office.
You were advised in your previous two FOI responses, that you would need to pro-
vide further keywords to use during the search process, that may enable us to an-
swer your request for information. Alternatively, you could provide further context
about what you are looking for, which may help us target specific information. Un-
less you are able to do this, we are unable to assist you further.
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Post Offic e Limited - Document Classification: PUBLIC
Please note that if you modify your request, we will handle it as a new request and
so the 20-working-day deadline for responding to requests would then commence
from the date that we receive the modified request and may also be subject to the
cost limit or other FOI exemptions.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of this response, you do have a right to
request an internal review. You can do this by writing to the address above within 40
working days of receipt of this response stating your reasons for your internal review
request or alternatively, by emailing
xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx. If, having requested an internal review by Post Office, you are still not satisfied with
our response you also have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Yours sincerely,
Information Rights Team
Post Office Limited is committed to protecting your privacy, information about
how we do this can be found on our website at www.postoffice.co.uk/privacy
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