CCTV camera coverage and expenditure

The request was successful.

Dear Tunbridge Wells Borough Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information.

1. The total number of CCTV cameras currently operated by the council
2. The total amount spent on the installation and maintenance of CCTV cameras in the 2020 calendar year

If you require any clarification on the above requests, please let me know.

All the best,
Jamie Dixon

FOI (TWBC), Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

1 Attachment



Thank you for your recent email which we are handling in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations
2004. We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests and may not
be able to respond within our usual timescale .  We thank you for your


If you have any further queries regarding our Freedom of Information/
Environmental Information Regulations procedures please contact the team
by emailing [1][Tunbridge Wells Borough Council request email].


This is an automated response.


Yours sincerely


FOI Team


T: 01892 550772

E: [2][Tunbridge Wells Borough Council request email]

01892 550772

Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1RS





This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

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FOI (TWBC), Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

2 Attachments

Dear Jamie Dixon,

Re: FOI F10441

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.

Please find attached the response to your recent request. The information
has been provided by our Community Safety Team.

Your request:

1. The total number of CCTV cameras currently operated by the council 2.
The total amount spent on the installation and maintenance of CCTV cameras
in the 2020 calendar year


I hope this information is helpful and if there is anything further I can
help with please contact me on 01892 554077 or via email to
[1][Tunbridge Wells Borough Council request email] 

If you are dissatisfied with the information provided or the way in which
we have dealt with your request, you can request a review.   Please write
to Mid-Kent Legal Services, Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1
1RS or via e-mail to [2][email address]  requesting a review
of the decision.

We will aim to deal with your request within 20 working days. If you
remain dissatisfied following our review, you can then appeal to the
Information Commissioner.

Yours sincerely


FOI Team


T: 01892 554077

E: [3][Tunbridge Wells Borough Council request email]

Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1RS






This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

If you have received this e-mail in error please notify Tunbridge Wells Borough Council on telephone +44 (0)1892 526121 or e-mail to [email address].


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