Information Rights Unit
8 Floor
Andy Jones
Central Mail Unit
Newcastle Upon Tyne
By email:
NE98 1ZZ
Date: 25 March 2024
Our ref:
Dear Andy Jones
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Thank you for your request, which was received on 6 March, for the following information:
“For the SO VAT Specialist role advertised for CCG with closing date of 27/12/2023,
Please provide the following:
1. How many people made it to interview stage?
2. How many people scored the numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7 in their personal statement?
3. The same as Q2 but specific to Belfast.
4. What was the minimum score for a provisional offer to be made?
5. Same as 4 but specific to Belfast.
6. How many people received a provisional offer?
7. Same as 6 but specific to Belfast.
8. Is there a reserve list? If so, how many are on it?
9. Same as 8 but specific to Belfast.
10. How many vacancies have been al ocated to Belfast?”
Our response
1. 102 candidates progressed to the interview stage.
2. See following table for breakdown:
Personal State-
Number of Candi-
ment Scores
If you need extra support, for example if you have a disability, a mental health condition, or
do not speak English/Welsh, go t
o and search for ‘get help from HMRC’.
Text Relay service prefix number – 18001
3. See following table for breakdown:
Personal State-
Number of Candi-
ment Scores
4. A minimum score of 4 was required for each of the criteria assessed. A candidate
had to score a minimum of 4 in each of the behaviours and the technical presentation
to progress further in the campaign.
5. The scoring was the same for every location advertised.
6. Currently 29 provisional offers have been made.
7. The number of provisional offers made to candidates in Belfast has been redacted.
8. There is currently a live reserve list. The number of candidates on this reserve list
has been redacted.
9. The number of candidates with the preferred location of Belfast remaining on the
reserve list has been redacted.
10. The number of vacancies currently allocated to Belfast is 3, however discussions are
ongoing, and this number can change.
Where information has been redacted, we can confirm we hold the information requested,
but it is being withheld und
er section 40 of the FOIA. Answers have been redacted where
they involve five or fewer candidates. This is because your request relates to identifiable
individuals and, therefore, seeks information that is considered personal data under the UK
General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Such information is exempt from disclosure
under section 40(2) of the FOIA, on the basis that disclosure would contravene the data
protection principles (as described under FOIA section 40(3A)(a)). This part of the section 40
exemption is absolute, and we are not required to consider any public interest arguments for
and against disclosure.
Article 5(1)(a) of the UK GDPR requires that personal information is processed lawfully, fairly
and in a transparent manner; processing includes disclosure. Fairness means personal data
should only be handled in ways that people would reasonably expect and not used in ways
that may adversely affect them. Candidates applying for job vacancies would reasonably
expect that their personal data would not be put into the public do main. Such a disclosure
would be unfair processing.
If you are not satisfied with our reply, you may request a review within 40 working days of
receiving this letter by emailin
g or by writing to our
address at the top.
If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review you
can complain to the
Information Commissioner’s Office.
Yours sincerely,
HM Revenue and Customs