CBC Glyphosate use
Dear Mike 'the unsung hero' Fawcett,
On the 6th June the EU voted and refused to back a limited extension of the agricultural company Monsanto's license for the herbicide glyphosate's sale. This means by the end of the month if no agreement is reached Monsanto's license to sell glyphosate in the EU expires. Monsanto has already stated that if this is the case then it will not launch an appeal.
From the end of the month this means that EU countries will have to start removing glyphosate based products from the shelves. The most commonly known product is RoundUp but currently every single weedkiller on the shelves of Asda, Tesco, B&Q, Homebase, etc in Colchester is glyphosate based. As indicators suggest that the license will expire at the end of the month what steps will CBC take to ensure this product is removed from all local stores? Also, what steps will CBC take to ensure that common users of the product like the Landscape Group, Essex Highways and yourselves all stop spraying the shit everywhere? What steps will CBC take to ensure these products are then disposed of properly?
Yours faithfully,
Christopher Lee
Dear Mr Lee
Thank you for your request which has been logged under reference 327191.
For full details of the Freedom of Information Act, how a request is dealt with and related information please visit http://www.ico.org.uk .
James Fenemer
Process Support Team Leader
Need any further advice? Please visit our website www.colchester.gov.uk
Response re-sent as original sent 28/6/16 apparently not received.
Dear Sir,
Please find below response to your recent request logged under reference 327191.
As indicators suggest that the license will expire at the end of the month what steps will CBC take to ensure this product is removed from all local stores?
The control of products offered for sale is a responsibility of Essex County Council Trading Standards
Also, what steps will CBC take to ensure that common users of the product like the Landscape Group, Essex Highways and yourselves all stop spraying the everywhere?
Colchester Borough Council are currently working with contractors to ensure that any consequences arising from the use of Glyphosate and any possible alternatives are fully understood before a final decision can be made regarding the most suitable way of ensuring that all our responsibilities are met by the weed control methods employed.
Colchester Borough Council has no powers to control the actions of Essex County Council.
What steps will CBC take to ensure these products are then disposed of properly?
Disposal of chemicals is a responsibility of Essex County Council who provide facilities at recycling centres.
I trust that this information will meet your needs. If however you have any further questions or concerns regarding this request please contact us again quoting the reference given above using the email address [Colchester Borough Council request email].
Yours sincerely
Suzanne Norton
Performance Monitoring Officer
Colchester Borough Council
Tel: (01206) 282249
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