Cathays Ward - Land and Building Ownership

The request was partially successful.

Dear Cardiff Council,

Please can you supply me with the following in electronic machine-readable format:

1. An index of the streets in the Cathays ward, coded by Lower Super Output Area.

2. A list of all assets owned by the council in the Cathays ward

3. The contents of the HMO landlords register for all properties in the Cathays ward.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Byers

FOI - Housing, Cardiff Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Byers,

Please see the attached acknowledgement letter in relation to your below Freedom of Information request.


Neil Collins


show quoted sections

Dear FOI - Housing,

Please can you let me know how this FOI request is progressing now it has gone outside the expected response period?

Yours sincerely,

Paul Byers

Dear FOI - Housing,

I have not yet received a response to the requests for information which I started on 11th January.

I'm sure you will recognise that this is my second enquiry about progress. My first was sent in on 13th February and did not even receive an acknowledgement.

Are you now in a position to let me know what progress is being made?

Yours sincerely,

Paul Byers

FOI, Cardiff Council

5 Attachments



Please find attached, a response to your FOI request.




Improvement & Information Team

Gwella a Gwybodaeth

Room 356, County Hall, Cardiff.  CF10 4UW

TEL :      029 2087 2087

Email  :   [1][email address]


show quoted sections

Mae'n bosibl bod gwybodaeth gyfrinachol yn y neges hon. Os na chyfeirir y
neges atoch chi'n benodol (neu os nad ydych chi'n gyfrifol am
drosglwyddo'r neges i'r person a enwir), yna ni chewch gopio na
throsglwyddo'r neges. Mewn achos o'r fath, dylech ddinistrio'r neges a
hysbysu'r anfonwr drwy e-bost ar unwaith. Rhowch wybod i'r anfonydd ar
unwaith os nad ydych chi neu eich cyflogydd yn caniatau e-bost y Rhyngrwyd
am negeseuon fel hon. Rhaid deall nad yw'r safbwyntiau, y casgliadau a'r
wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon nad ydynt yn cyfeirio at fusnes swyddogol
Cyngor Dinas a Sir Caerdydd yn cynrychioli barn y Cyngor Sir nad yn cael
sel ei fendith. Caiff unrhyw negeseuon a anfonir at, neu o'r cyfeiriad
e-bost hwn eu prosesu gan system E-bost Gorfforaethol Cyngor Sir Caerdydd
a gallant gael eu harchwilio gan rywun heblaw'r person a enwir.


Scanned by iCritical.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear FOI,

Thank you for your response to my recent FOI enquiry.

May I just ask a couple of questions for clarification?

1. Council Assets in the Cathays ward.

Can you confirm that this is the complete list for the ward? I ask this as I had understood from the response to a previous FOI request that the disused Bingo Hall, attached to the Cathays Community Centre, was council property, as was the Centre itself. I also understood that Maindy Leisure Centre and Dalton Street Community Centre were also owned by the council. None of these appear on your list.

2. HMO Register

Is there a reason that the names of the owners/landlords are not included in either of the HMO listings?

Yours sincerely,

Paul Byers

Dear FOI,

Are you now in a position to respond to my 13 March request for clarification?

Yours sincerely,

Paul Byers

Dear Cardiff Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Cardiff Council's handling of my FOI request 'Cathays Ward - Land and Building Ownership'.

This is one of three FOI requests relating to HMO licensing in Cathays. I am waiting for a response on all of these.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Paul Byers

Parsons, Dave, Cardiff Council

Dear Paul


Thank you for your email which as been passed onto me as the internal
reviews officer.


I can confirm that I have opened up an investigation into this matter and
will respond to you once I have completed my investigation.


If you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me


Yours sincerely


Dave Parsons

Information Officer

Cardiff Council

Tele: 029 2087 3317

Email: [1][email address]

show quoted sections

Paul Staples left an annotation ()

The HMO response is either complete, which seems unlikely, and they have not said it is*, or some info has been omitted from the spreadsheet report - such as name - in which case there is a clear FOI breach, as no refusal notice or explanation has been given.

* Itself a technical breach as they have not said what info they hold.

Parsons, Dave, Cardiff Council

Dear Paul


I have carried out an investigation into the Council’s handling of this


At this stage I will not carry out a formal review as I have asked the
department currently dealing with your request to ensure that a full
response is issued to you within the next 8 working days providing you
with the information you have requested.


The Council has clearly failed to provide you with the information
requested within the statutory timeframes under the Freedom of Information
Act/Environmental Information Regulations and for this please accept my
apologies on behalf of the Council.


Cardiff Council is currently in the process of reviewing its arrangements
for answering FOI requests and following this processes in place will be
altered so that requests are answered more efficiently in the future.


You do have the right under section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act
to apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision whether, in any
specified respect, the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of Part I of the Act, however I would ask
that you allow us to answer your request first and if you remain unhappy
to write to me again before making such complaints to the Information


If you wish to discuss this matter with me please do not hesitate to
contact me.


Yours sincerely


Dave Parsons

Information Officer

Cardiff Council

Tele: 029 2087 3317

Email: [1][email address]


show quoted sections

Dear Dave

Any news on the progress being made with this?


Paul Byers

FOI, Cardiff Council

5 Attachments



Please find attached, a response to your FOI request.




Improvement & Information Team

Gwella a Gwybodaeth

Room 356, County Hall, Cardiff.  CF10 4UW

TEL :      029 2087 2087

Email  :   [1][email address]


show quoted sections

Mae'n bosibl bod gwybodaeth gyfrinachol yn y neges hon. Os na chyfeirir y
neges atoch chi'n benodol (neu os nad ydych chi'n gyfrifol am
drosglwyddo'r neges i'r person a enwir), yna ni chewch gopio na
throsglwyddo'r neges. Mewn achos o'r fath, dylech ddinistrio'r neges a
hysbysu'r anfonwr drwy e-bost ar unwaith. Rhowch wybod i'r anfonydd ar
unwaith os nad ydych chi neu eich cyflogydd yn caniatau e-bost y Rhyngrwyd
am negeseuon fel hon. Rhaid deall nad yw'r safbwyntiau, y casgliadau a'r
wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon nad ydynt yn cyfeirio at fusnes swyddogol
Cyngor Dinas a Sir Caerdydd yn cynrychioli barn y Cyngor Sir nad yn cael
sel ei fendith. Caiff unrhyw negeseuon a anfonir at, neu o'r cyfeiriad
e-bost hwn eu prosesu gan system E-bost Gorfforaethol Cyngor Sir Caerdydd
a gallant gael eu harchwilio gan rywun heblaw'r person a enwir.


Scanned by iCritical.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]